The History of the Atom

By miccor2
  • Dalton is right

    Dalton is right
    Dalton understood that each atom has its own uniqueness to it. One element has all of the same atoms, and that all atoms in that element weigh the same. Different atoms cause different elements to weigh differently.
  • Thomson discovers the electron

    Thomson discovers the electron
    Thomson discovered that Lenard rays travel much further than a normal atom partical. He discovered that Lenard rays were about 1000 time lighter than hydrogen atoms. He also discovered that the particles were negatively charged.
  • A Genious at the age of 26

    A Genious at the age of 26
    Einstein was very brilliant. He figured out that motion is caused by billlions of atoms moving at high speeds. The are moving so fast that they are banging against one another.
  • Rutherford wins Nobel Gold

    Rutherford wins Nobel Gold
    Becuase of Rutherford's experiment we now know that a majority of an atom is empty space. If the gold were to pass through, which it did the object has a large mass and is mainly open space.
  • Aristotle rejects the atom

    Aristotle rejects the atom
    Aristotle rejected the idea of atoms and society listened. He belived that there was no bottom line partical.
  • Period: to

    The History of the Atom