Unknown 3

Ben Farmers Atoms Assignment

  • 460

    Democritus Part 1

    Democritus Part 1
    Was born at 460 BC and Died at 370 BC.
    Democritus was student to Leucippus, who people think thought of the first atomic theory.
    Democritus discovered that matter is made of small particles with a different position, form and arrangement. He named these atoms.Democritus was the first person to name a atom a atom, and we still call it that.
  • 555


    He lived in Miletus and was born between 624-546 BC.
    Thales lived in Miletus between 624-546 BC. Thales believed that the origin of all matter is water. Although odd it has a little truth to it as oxygen in H2O was only created when our Earth was.
    Although this is not a big discovery it but it is true.
  • Robert Boyal

    Robert Boyal
    He was born January 25 1627, Ireland and died December 30, 1691, London.
    Robert Boyle discovered that any substance that can be Brocken into 2 or substances it’s not an element.
    Robert helped prove that the theory of an atom is made up of the four elements, is wrong.
  • Antoine Lavoiser

    Antoine Lavoiser
    He was Born August 26th, 1743, Paris and died May 8, 1794, Place De La Concorde.
    Antoine believed that an element was a substance that couldn’t be broken down and that mass could not be destroyed or created and that it would just be rearranged in space.
    Antoine gave us a interesting another theory about how you can’t destroy or make matter it’s another to think about and explore.
  • John Dalton Part 1

    John Dalton Part 1
    He was Born on the 1766 and Died on the 1843.
    In the 1780’s a French chemist named Antoine Lavoisier made measurements of composition of chemical compounds. 30 years before Dalton’s discovery. It showed that compounds containing more than one element always had the same relative amounts of each element. The compound carbon dioxide is called ‘fixed air because it’s heavier than air and cannot burn. He also discovered the mass of oxygen in fixed air is 2.66 times the mass of carbon in the compoun
  • John Dalton Part 2

    John Dalton Part 2
    He also discovered the mass of oxygen in fixed air is 2.66 times the mass od carbon in the compoundd. This is a example of law of constant composition.
    Dalton’s atomic theory of matter:
    . Elements are made up of atoms, which are small particles.
    . Atoms of each element are different for those other elements, including their masses.
    . Atoms of a given element are the same as each other.
    . Chemical compounds are made when atoms of each element in the same fixed proportions.
  • John Dalton Part 3

    John Dalton Part 3
    . Atoms cannot be born or killed on a chemical reaction.
    . There atoms in water.
    . Point where matter is not broken down into anything smaller
    . Atoms are tiny particles.
    Jalton has convinced us all that the tiny particles in atoms can't get any smaller
  • Joseph John Thompson Part 1

    Joseph John Thompson Part 1
    He was Born on the 18th of December 1856and Died 30th of August 1940.
    In the Early 20th century J.J Thompson found out that atoms were actually divisible and made of even particles.
    He found out that inside the atoms are smaller, negatively charged particles. We call now electrons.
  • Jospeh John Thompson Part 2

    Jospeh John Thompson Part 2
    Thompson showed that a atom contains positively charged material. But he did not know what this material was. Thompson discovered it’s like a plumb pudding. The positive charged material is the cake and the electrons are the fruit.
  • Ernest Rutherford Part 1

    Ernest Rutherford Part 1
    He was Born on the 30th of August 1871 and Died 19th of October 1937.
    Ernest Rutherford did an experiment about electrons. That J.J Thompson discovered. So Ernest did an experiment that changed the views of atoms.
  • Ernest Ruthford Part 2

    Ernest Ruthford Part 2
    When Ernest was 37 he did a experiment called the gold foil experiment. He set up a thin layer of gold and many alpha particles at it.
    Ernest proved to everyone that atoms were mainly in fact empty space.
  • Neil Bohr Part 2

    Neil Bohr Part 2
    this the Bohr model of a atom. Neil proved to us that electrons don’t move like plants around the sun. He proved to us that the more energy they have the further away they are from the nucleus.
  • Neil Bohr Part 1

    Neil Bohr Part 1
    Neil was Born on the 7th of October 1885 and Died on the 18th of November 1962.
    After Rutherford had made his model of a atom. A scientist named Neils Bohr concluded that electrons don’t work like planets around the sun.
    In 1913 Neil found out That electrons move around the nucleus in circular orbits. Each orbit it is a certain distance from another. The further away the electron more energy it has. We call them electron shells. There is a limit of electrons you can find on each shell. We ca
  • Henry Mosely

    Henry Mosely
    He was born on November 23, 1887, Weymouth, Dorset and died on August 10, 1915, Gallipoli.
    Henry was the first to publish a table ordering the wavelengths of the x-ray emissions of the elements. He also audit the element with the atomic number.
    Thanks to henrys discovery we use it today on the modern periodic table (based on the atomic numbers of elements).
  • werner

    He was born on December 5, 1901 in Wurzburg Germany and died on February 1, 1976.
    Werner discovered that the behaviour of electrons and subatomic particles can be determined by using mathematics instead of using scientific terms .
    When Werner discovered that we can use mathematics to determined the behaviour of a electron it has made it easier to do so. So Werner Heisenberg interpreted the behaviour of electrons and subatomic particles by using parts of the quantum theory and mathematics.
  • Erwin Schrodinger Part 1

    Erwin Schrodinger Part 1
    He was Born on the 12th of August 1887 and Died on the 4 of January 1961.
    In 1962 Erwin took Bohr atom model to the next level. He used mathematical equations to describe the area of a electron.Erwin figured out the atomic model know as the quantum mechanical modal of an atom. Not like the Bohr model, the quantum model does not show the exact path of an electron. But tells you the exact position of an electron. When an electron is surround by a dense cloud it is easier to find.
  • Erwin Schrodinger Part 2

    Erwin Schrodinger Part 2
    He also introduced us the concept of sub-energy levels.
    Erwin showed us a math equation that can show the location of an electron. He also introduced us to the concept of sub energy levels.
  • James ChadWick Part 2

    James ChadWick Part 2
    When James found out about neutrons. It changed the way that people thought an atom was.
  • James ChadWick Part 1

    James ChadWick Part 1
    He was born on the 20th of October 1891 in England, and died on the 24 of July 1974.
    James found out, using evidence from Joliot-Curie, who discovered when beryllium was compressed by positively alpha particles, a high penetrating beam was created. James discovered that the beam was no deflect by electric or magnetic fields, meaning it had neutral particles now known as neutrons.
  • Acharya Kanada

    Acharya Kanada
    We don’t know when he was born around 6th century BC or 2 century BC.
    Acharya was the founder of the atomic theory. Is said that all objects have nine elements: earth, water, light, wind, ether, time, space, mind and soul. He said that every object of creation is made of atoms which in turn connect with each other to form molecules.
    This was a big theory because this is were the atomic theory. began
  • Aristotle Part 2

    Aristotle Part 2
    This was a big discovery because his theory lasted for 2 thousand years.
  • Aristotle Part 1

    Aristotle Part 1
    He was Born around 384 BC and Died around 322 BCHe had no influence on his theory he just made it up and everybody believed it.
    Aristotle made a theory based on the four elements. He believed that all matter was made out of the four elements. Fire, water, earth and air. He also believed their four qualities to these elements. Dryness, hotness, coldness, and moistness.
  • Empedocles

    He was born at 490 BC, Agrigento and died 430 BC, Mount Etna.
    Empedocles believed that all the matter contains combinations and amounts of the four elements substances- earth, air, fire and water.
    He gave us one option to think what’s inside matter.