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The History of Education

  • The US Declaration of Independence declares all MEN are Created Equal

    The US Declaration of Independence declares all MEN are Created Equal
    Spefically meaning white, straight males. Women and people of color were not considered eqaul to men.
  • Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge

    Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge
    Thomas Jefferson proposed three free years of school/education to non-slave children.
  • Act of Naturalization

    Act of Naturalization
    This act restricted te granting of citizenship to "free white persons', leaving out people of color and women,
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    Mixing Children in Schools

    Working, white men suggested we'd mix poor and rich children in schools to create equal opportunity.
  • The First Normal School

    The First Normal School
    It opened in Lexington, Massachuttes.
  • NEA was Founded

    NEA was Founded
    National Education Association was founded by 43 different educators.
  • Teacher Rush to the South to Teach

    Teacher Rush to the South to Teach
    Female teachers rushed to the South to create social equality and polictal rights for freed/former slaves.
  • The 14th Amendment is added

    The 14th Amendment is added
    This admendment protects the basic rights of the Bill of Rights and the rights passed by state and local governments. The states can no longer take away any rights granted to a citizen of the USA.
  • The First Public Kindergarden is created

    The First Public Kindergarden is created
    The first public kindergarden is created to fight urban poverty.
  • Frances Bellamy Composes the Pledge

    Frances Bellamy Composes the Pledge
    Frances Bellamy composes and then introduces the Pledge of Allegiance to educators at a NEA meeting.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    This case allowed segregation in schools in public schools. "Seperate but equal". Homer Plessy was only 1/8ths black but was still treated like any full black American citizen. This case highlights the princible that race is a social and legal reconstuction.
  • "Schools Should be used as Social Centers"

    "Schools Should be used as Social Centers"
    John Dewey explains at a NEA meeting that schools should be used a social centers
  • Margaret Haley Delivers an Iconic Speech

    Margaret Haley Delivers an Iconic Speech
    Haley delivered a speech that sparked the rise of teacher unionism and the founding of AFT, eventually.
  • Takao Ozawa v. United States

    Takao Ozawa v. United States
    This case involved a Japenese immigrant who graduated from Berkley in California. His family was very Americanized, they spoke English and attended a Christian church. The main issue was whether "white persons" had to do with skin color. The Ozawa family was fair skinned because most Japanese have light skin.
  • United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind

    United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind
    In this case a Indian immigrant applied for citizenship under Caucasian. Scientifically, Thind was Caucasian because of a common ancestor. The court rejcted this and the word "Caucasian" as an explanation for white people.
  • Citizenship for Native Americans

    Citizenship for Native Americans
    Native Americans were granted citizenship even though many of their ancestors were European. Also, Native Americans were here before anyone else and didn't have citizenship until 1924.
  • NEA Recommends Teaching Sex Education

    NEA Recommends Teaching Sex Education
    National Education Association recommends teaching Sex Education in schools to protect familly and marriage values.
  • The Word Teenager was Used

    The Word Teenager was Used
    Teenager was used to explain children ages 13 to 19. High school had created youth culture and the word "teenager".
  • West Virgina State Board of Education v. Barnette

    West Virgina State Board of Education v. Barnette
    Children can no longer be expelled for refusing to participate because of the First Amendment (freedom of religion).
  • Federal Government Launches Life Adjustment Program

    Federal Government Launches Life Adjustment Program
    The "Life Adjustment Program" includes education for moral living, skills in fundamentals, education for living/livehood, emphasis on the dignity of work and appropropriate learning experinces.
  • New York's Teachers Federation Declares Iconic Strike

    New York's Teachers Federation Declares Iconic Strike
    In Buffalo, New York teachers demand higher salaries.
  • New York's Feinberg law was passed.

    New York's Feinberg law was passed.
  • The National Defense Education Act Passes

    The National Defense Education Act Passes
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    The Human Captial Theory Provided the Arguements for the War on Poverty

    Programs like "Head Start", the TV show Seasme Street and other school programs are made to fight off poverty.
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    The Original Proposal

    This proposal was by Milton Friedman was very similar to the choice provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001
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    Involvement in Schooling

    The federal government became more involved in public schooling, they started funneling programs through the state government to local school districts.
  • Theodore Schultz Exposes Economists

    Theodore Schultz Exposes Economists
    He says, "Economists have long known that people are an important part of the wealth of the nations". He argues that nations should invest in schools as a stimulus for economic growth. Children are the future.
  • Engel v. Vitale

    Engel v. Vitale
    This case denied public schools' right to force kids to pray due to the first admendment.
  • Abington School District v. Schempp

    Abington School District v. Schempp
    Bible reading in school is no longer aloud.
  • Gary Becker Publishes the "Human Captial"

    Gary Becker Publishes the "Human Captial"
    In "Human Captial", Becker explains that economic growth depends on knowledge, informations, ideas, skills and health of workspace. He explains that investments in education could improve human captial, which would then improve economic growth.
  • Title IV of the Civil Rights Act

    Title IV of the Civil Rights Act
    This act established federal control of money for American public schools to shape the local school policies. This act also turned the federal Office of Education into a policing agency. Their new job was to decide whether schools were segregated and if they were, deciding on the conditions of the minorities in these "seperate but equal" situations.
  • The Immigration Act

    The Immigration Act
    This act fixed the bias attitude that favors European immigrants over the world's regions.
  • Pickering V. Board of Education of Township High School

    Pickering V. Board of Education of Township High School
    The most important US Supreme court decision dealing with the rights of teachers.
  • - Mexican American Students Boycott in East Los Angeles

    - Mexican American Students Boycott in East Los Angeles
    The students demanded bilingual programs, courses for Mexican history and culture, and for Mexican American food to be served in cafeterias. They also demanded the schools to hire more Spanish speaking teachers and to fire anti-Mexican American teachers.
  • Tinker v. Des Moines Inpendent School Discrict

    Tinker v. Des Moines Inpendent School Discrict
    It was a landmark case involving free speech rights for students.
  • Lemon v. Kurzman

    Lemon v. Kurzman
    This case established a three part test for determining the constitutionality of government programs that benefit religion. This case provided salary supplements to teachers in private religious schools.
  • Career Education Begins

    Career Education Begins
    The federal government makes an effort to make education relevant to the workplace.
  • Daniel Bell Coined the Term "Post-Industrial"

    Daniel Bell Coined the Term "Post-Industrial"
    Bell coined "post-industrial" and predicted a shift from blue-collar to white-collar labor requiring a major increase in educated works.
  • Congress passes Public Law 94-142

    Congress passes Public Law 94-142
    Education for all hanicapped children act. It guaranteed equal education opportunites for all children with disabilities.
  • The First Time NEA Supported a Presidental Candiate

    The First Time NEA Supported a Presidental Candiate
    The NEA supported president Jimmy Carter before he was elected.
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    Labors Started Expecting More

    Labors started expecting greater testing and certifications. It became more difficult to become a teacher. You had to have the appropriate credentials.
  • The Federeal Government Reports the Nation is at Risk

    The Federeal Government Reports the Nation is at Risk
    The human captial and knowledge economy arguement became a national issue. The federeal government blamed the poor academic quality of American public schools for causing lower rates of economic productivity than Japan and West Germany.
  • Mueller v. Allen

    Mueller v. Allen
    This case had to do with a Minnesota law that allowed tax payers to take deductions from incomes to pay for things like tuition, textbooks and transportation for students at elementary and high schools.
  • The Organization U.S. English is Founded

    The Organization U.S. English is Founded
    The organization was founded by S.I. Hayakawa, a former republican senator. Their main goal was to make English the official language of the United States.
  • D.A.R.E is founded

    D.A.R.E is founded
    D.A.R.E or Drug Abuse Resistence Education teaches students to live a drug free and healthy lifestyle. It encourages students to make good decisions.
  • The Sex Respect Program Motivates Students

    The Sex Respect Program Motivates Students
    The sex respect program movtivates teenagers to practice chasity or no sex before marriage.
  • Bethel v. Fraser School

    Bethel v. Fraser School
    School authorites can now punish students for saying something lewd, indecent or harmful.
  • Myra and David Sadker Notice the Sexism in Textbooks

    Myra and David Sadker Notice the Sexism in Textbooks
    , The Sadkers discovers that men are in the history text books two to three times more than women are.
  • An Ethiopian Man is Beat to Death

    An Ethiopian Man is Beat to Death
    A group of teenage skinheads attack and beat an innocent Ethiopian man to death in Oregon. The incident influenced the Teaching Tolerance Project to begin.
  • Standardized Test Discriminating against Women

    Standardized Test Discriminating against Women
    A New York judge recognizes the content bias and economic value in standard testing. The judge ruled that the scholarships from standardized tests, like the SAT, discriminated against female students
  • President George H. Bush announces "Goals 2000"

    President George H. Bush announces "Goals 2000"
    President George H. Bush announces "Goals 2000" to link schools to global economy. "Goals 2000" included providing federal grants, required report cards and included a plan for federal support of private school vouchers.
  • Grouping in Math Classes

    Grouping in Math Classes
    A study finds the use of ability grouping in math classes in the USA was two-thirds higher in other classes.
  • Discrimination against Female Students

    Discrimination against Female Students
    Susan Estrich, professor of law and political science, states that 60% of National Merit Scholarship finalists were male even though women in school get better grades than men.
  • Myra and David Sadker Notice the Sexism in Textbooks Again

    Myra and David Sadker Notice the Sexism in Textbooks Again
    The Sadkers, after looking through a 631 page history textbook, only 7 pages related to women. Two of those pages were about a 5th grade girl visiting the Soviet Union.
  • Bill Clinton ran for Democratic Party

    Bill Clinton ran for Democratic Party
    Bill Clinton stated in one of his speeches, "A competitive American economy requires the global market's best educated, best trained, most flexible work force."
  • Shannon Faulkner and the Citadel

    Shannon Faulkner and the Citadel
    Shannon Faulkner was fighting for access into an all-male military college, The Citadel. One of the alumni there said the word “woman” was used a derogatory term.
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    Increase in Revenues

    Total elementary and secondary public school revenues increased from $350 billion to $611 billion, a 74% increase
  • The American Association of Women Releases a Report Proving the Shortchanging of Women in Schools

    The American Association of Women Releases a Report Proving the Shortchanging of Women in Schools
    The AAUW releases a report that states more and more women were enrolling in intense math classes than boys were. However, boys dominated technology and computer science which caused girls to stray away due to confidence
  • The Columbine High School Massacre

    The Columbine High School Massacre
    Two students at Columbine High School in Denver, Colorado kill 13 students and then kill themselves. This massacre is still the most famous school massacre of all time.
  • High Tech High

    High Tech High
    It’s located in San Diego and opened to solve the labor shortage. It started off with 200 9th and 10th grade students selected from 1,000 applications.
  • Curriculum Standerds are Created.

    Curriculum Standerds are Created.
    "No Child Left Behind" act enforces teachers to create curriculum standerds to guide instructions in local public schools.
  • Zelman v. Simmons-Harris

    Zelman v. Simmons-Harris
    Decided on a landmark decision having to do with school vouchers and religious schools. The primary issue in this case was the use of government-funded vouchers to attend religious schools. People believed that this was a violation of the First Amendment.
  • "Partnerships in Character Education" was Added to No Child Left Behind

    "Partnerships in Character Education" was Added to No Child Left Behind
    The section "Partnerships in Character Education" states that schools must teach character education in classrooms as a lesson.
  • Education Week Feature

    Education Week Feature
    Education Week featured a model charter school organization in Minnesota called the EdVisions Cooperative.
  • The Wage Gap is Proved Through a Study

    The Wage Gap is Proved Through a Study
    Women with a degree earn $2.9 million in their lifetime and without a degree earn $0.7 million but men without a degree earn $1.1 million in their lifetimes.
  • Teachers Vote for a Change

    Teachers Vote for a Change
    Denver teachers voted 59% to 41% for a merit pay system using the standardized test scores that show student achievement.
  • The US Department of Education Give More Rights to Teachers

    The US Department of Education Give More Rights to Teachers
    Highly qualified teachers can now take another three years to become highly qualified in another subject.
  • The National Council of Education Providers formed

    The National Council of Education Providers formed
    This organization was formed by six for-profit school companies to lobby more money for charter schools and character friendly regulations
  • Global Labor Market and Inequality

    Global Labor Market and Inequality
    A report claims that the global labor market contributes to the growing inequality of incomes in the US
  • The SAT Suffered Public Relations Problems

    The SAT Suffered Public Relations Problems
    The SAT suffered due to the fact that their scoring company, Pearson Educational Measurement, allowed scoring sheets to be damaged by moisture.
  • Kerry Killinger Gives Iconic Speech at the Opening of the National Education Summit

    Kerry Killinger Gives Iconic Speech at the Opening of the National Education Summit
    Killinger, CEO of Washington Mutual, explains that we are facing global economy with workr that aren't prepared for the high paying jobs that are fueling the economic growth around the world. She claimed that we have to use the summit to prepare the children/students for these jobs.
  • A Reward for Teachers

    A Reward for Teachers
    Houston Board of Education approved a $14.5 million program that rewards teachers for the scores on their classes’ standardized test
  • A Threat Towards the Federal Government

    A Threat Towards the Federal Government
    Tom Horne, Arizona’s superintendent threatened to sue the federal government over the requirement to include scores of the ELLs in determining AYP.
  • Karl Alexander and Doris Enwisle Predict and Prove a Reason for Drop Outs

    Karl Alexander and Doris Enwisle Predict and Prove a Reason for Drop Outs
    Both sociologists predict and prove in "Diplomas Count: An Essential Guide to Graduation Policy and Rates", that a student that repeats any grade between K-8th drop out more than any other student.
  • Condition of 2006

    Condition of 2006
    The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) reported that 15% of students in public schools were attending public schools of choice.
  • Iconic Education Week Headline

    Iconic Education Week Headline
    The headline stated that the real estate market was connected to testing scores. The headline said “Scores Linked to Home Prices”.
  • An Example of the Testing Industry was Released to the Public

    An Example of the Testing Industry was Released to the Public
    Testing is a for profit industry, two of the biggest test makers. The Newsweek magazine said “The SAT vs. the ACT” and explained the big business access of college and standardized testing.
  • Home-Schooling

    The number of home-schooling students was about 1.5 million, an increase from 850,000 in 1999 and 1.1 million in 2003.
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    43 School Associated Violent Deaths

    43 students between the ages of 5-18 died school associated violent deaths. 21 of the 43 were homicides and 5 of the 43 were suicides.
  • A Census Proves Richer are Richer and Poor People are More Poor

    A Census Proves Richer are Richer and Poor People are More Poor
    Rich people, since 1990, have only gotten richer while poor people have gotten poorer. Money is ranked 20% groups or quintiles. There is a special catergory for those in the top 5% of house hold income.
  • Iconic Speech by Brian Schweitzer

    Iconic Speech by Brian Schweitzer
    Governer of Montana, Brian Schweitzer, while speaking on early childhood investment, explains that we are competiting with eachother and other countries.
  • "Prepares People in our Education Goals Skills, Edcation & Competitiveness" is issued

    "Prepares People in our Education Goals Skills, Edcation & Competitiveness" is issued
    The partnership for the 21st century skills issued this report to prepares people in our education system to succeed in the global skills race because it's the next competitve issue.
  • Presidential Candiates Address the Global Economy

    Presidential Candiates Address the Global Economy
    Both Republican and Democrat parties, on national platforms, stress the line between schooling and economic growth in the global economy.
  • A Survey of Racial Concepts in New York City's Schools

    A Survey of Racial Concepts in New York City's Schools
    The book, "Inheriting the City: The Children of Immigrants Come of Age", reports a survey of racial concepts in New York City's schools. Racial identity varied with newer immigrant groups.
  • The Economic Stimulus Package

    The Economic Stimulus Package
    The increasing control of the federal government over local schools is the economic stimulus package that was signed by Barack Obama.
  • A Survey Proves Students are Bullied because of their Sexual Orientation

    A Survey Proves Students are Bullied because of their Sexual Orientation
    6,209 students confess in a survey by "The New York City" that 91% of them experinced verbal harrassment because of their sexual orientation. 39% said they were assulted because of their sexual orientation.
  • The Suicide of Phoebe Prince

    The Suicide of Phoebe Prince
    Phoebe Prince, 15, hangs herself because of months long bullying and harrasment online because of her relationship with a football player. School officals knew of the online bullying but ignored it. This event led to school officals nationaly paying better attention to their students online lives.
  • A census askes people if they consider themselves Hispanic, Latino or Spanish Orgin

    A census askes people if they consider themselves Hispanic, Latino or Spanish Orgin
    They discovered that people from Central America, South America and non-Spanish speakers have no way of identifying themselves.
  • The Center of Public Education make a Statement about Private Schools

    The Center of Public Education make a Statement about Private Schools
    Public schools conclude that the variety of charter schools makes it difficult to make a conclusive statement about their success.
  • State-Led Education Standards

    State-Led Education Standards
    The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) released a set of state-led education standards.
  • The Common Core Standerds are Published

    The Common Core Standerds are Published
    The common core standerds are adopted by the National Governers Association and published.
  • NCES Discovers a Relationship in Attendence in Schools

    NCES Discovers a Relationship in Attendence in Schools
    NCES discovers that in high proverty schools and dropping out. A lot of students were dropping out in high poverty areas.
  • First Ethical System

    First Ethical System
    Confusion based societies guide their communities with an ethical system for the first time in history. This system was created by Confucius, the Chinese scholar.