The Hero's Journey

  • We meet Wesley

  • We find out Westley can only say "as you wish"

  • Westley can say something other than "as you wish"

  • Westley dies

  • Westley returns, he is on a ship following Buttercup's assailants/capturers

  • Westely comes off ship as a pirate, chasing after Buttercups assailants/capturers

  • Westley speaks for first time (that we know of) since he "died".

  • Reveals a bit of character. (Seems to be) polite

  • Encounters first obstacle, one of Buttercup's assailants/capturers. We see that he is polite and can hold his temper as he can hold a polite conversation with his dueler and is not so quick to make assumptions about him.

  • Westley encounters second obstacle. We find out he is agile and quick witted/intelligent. He beats someone twice his size and more than twice as strong in a "fistfight" using wits instead of strength.

  • Westley encounters third and final obstacle. The head assailant/capturer. He beats him with intelligence. We find out that Westley is smart but does not over-think

  • We find out he does kill, but only when deserving. (Though, I disagree with the killing of the boar thing unless it was going to die from it's wounds anyways.)

  • Westley is good with words. He can hold a conversation with his "true love" and not reveal to her who he is.

  • Becomes more personal and obvious with words when alone with Buttercup in "fire swamp" (or what it was called, I forgot the name)

  • Westley was acting on own behalf. Had own intentions and plan.

  • Captured and went through "the machine",

  • Died again

  • Revived again

  • Stops being mysterious and goes straight to the point. Shows this when trying to make plan with Fezzik and Inigo.

  • Exercises intelligence by making plan to save Buttercup

  • Westley disappears from Fezzico and Inigo without warning. Lets us know he still has characteristic of own intentions and acting on his own behalf.

  • Distracts King while friends/backup comes. Shows Westley's ability to think ahead

  • Still has mysterious quality. He stops Buttercup in a way which was (probably) dangerous but more effective.

  • Idea of killing changed since he did not kill the king. Either that, or he considered the people. (If he killed the king, the kingdom could be thrown into chaos.) I cannot tell. (I am aware there may be more answers)

  • Rides off with Buttercup and lives happily ever after. The End!