• the secret

    brian's mom cheats on his dad with another man with short blond hair.
  • the crash

    brian's pilot has a heart attack on his way to brian's dad and crashes the plane in a(n) L shaped lake
  • gut cherries

    brian crashes the plane and goes to find food. he find a cherry like food and calls them gut cherries
  • mistakes

    brian eats to many gut cherries and gets a big stomoch ache
  • the shelter

    brian wakes up from the crash and looks for a shelter. he finds a hollowed rock for a shelter
  • the bear

    brian is picking and eating gut cherries and a huge black bear come to eat the gut cherries
  • the porcupine

    brian is awkened by a porcupine. he throws his hachet and the porcupine stabes his leg with his spines
  • the razzberies

    brian is looking for much better food and finds razberries
  • the fire

    brian discovers that his hachet and the rock of his shelter can make fire, so he gets wood and makes sparkes and blows air to make fire
  • the first meat

    brian catches his first fish and eats it
  • first feast day

    brian hunts rabits, fool birds and fish and eats and eats and eats
  • the cutting

    brian cuts and cuts and cuts wood for more tools and/or walls
  • the missed plane

    brian is cutting wood when he hears a plane in the distance. he runs to his shelter starts a fire but its to late they missed him
  • the fool birds

    brian learns that the birds are hidden but next to him, so he learns to see the birds and kill one
  • the wof

    brian is picking berries and a wolf looks down at him and walks away
  • the moose

    brian is walking back to his shelter when a moose rams him in his stomach and he falls in the lake. brian gets up and walks back to his shelter
  • the tornado

    brian wakes up to a terrible sound andgets thrown into a wall. brian sees a tornado right outside and hits he wall again then the tornado goes into the woods and dis appears
  • the survival pack

    brian finds out that his survival pack is in the plane, so he cutts a hole with his hachet climbs in grabs the survival pack and hes back to his shelter
  • the rescue

    brian leaves his emergancy transmitter on and a rescue plane find the transmition lands the plan in the lake and saves brian