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The Great Depression/World War II

By Bryne.
  • Black Tuesday

    This was the day when the Stock Markets crashed, and 16 million people lost thier shares in stocks.
  • Period: to

    The Great Depression

  • Franklin D. Roosevelt elected to first presidential term

    Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected to be the president of the U.S.A, for his first presidential term.
  • Adolf Hitler becomes German Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor thanks to his speech to Germany, and it marked a crucial turning point for Germany and the World.
  • Roosevelt’s Bank Holiday

    Roosevelt issued Proclamation 2039 which order the suspension of all bankng transactions, effective immediately.
  • Roosevelt’s Hundred Days

    He proposed a sweeping program to bring recovery to agriculture and business, relief to unemployed and to farms and homes.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority founded

    An argeement sign by Roosevelt, that would help relief farms and people without homes in Tennessese.
  • Period: to

    The Dust Bowl

  • The Dust Bowl

    A time period when there was several droughts in the middle of North America, and hundreds of miles of farmlands were lost to the droughts.
  • Works Progress Administration created

    Was a work program for the unemployed of that time that lasted for only eight years from 1935-1943.
  • Social Security Act passed

    An act by the President's Committee on Economic Security, and was passed by congress as part of the New Deal.
  • FDR elected to second presidential term

    Franklin D Roosevelt is elected President for a second term, because people wanted him to continue helping America recover from the Stock Market crash.
  • Period: to

    World War II

  • Adolf Hitler invades Poland

    This is the first country the Nazis invade, and it soon got the other countries watching, and soon they acted on it.
  • The London Blitz

    A Strategy that the Nazis used to destory London, which included bombing the citys, and then invading them with ground troops.
  • FDR elected to third presidential term

    He is elected because of the growing threat of World War II, and America needed an experinace leader to lead it in a time of war.
  • Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

    Was the first attack on America soil, and was the event that got America to declare war on Japan.
  • Executive Order 9066

    A order in which all Japanese Americans, Italian Americans, and German Americans in America was send to internment camps because of World War II.
  • Battle of Midway Island

    Was a naval battle that was fought almost entirely with aircraft, and the United States destroyed lots of Japan's first-line carrier strengh.
  • D-Day

    The U.S invades Normandy to push the Nazis out of french, in which they invade the shores, and lost a lot of men.
  • Auschwitz liberated by Allied Forces

    Nazi camps are brought down by the Allied Forces, and the Jews are free from the Nazis.
  • FDR elected to fourth presidential term

    Franklin is elected a forth an final time, and he also beats Thomas E. Dewey at the Presidential election.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    This was a major Geman offensive campaign, which caught the allied forces completely off guard when it happened.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Dies

    Franklin dies of a massive cerebral hemorrhage at 3:35 pm on April 12.
  • V-E Day

    Victory in Europe Day celerbates the day that Europe won the War, and was free from the Nazi attacks.
  • Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima

    The U.S drops an Atomic bomb on Hiroshima to try to end the world war for good.
  • Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki

    The U.S drops a Atomic bomb on Nagasaki which ends the war for good.
  • Victory over Japan Day

    This is the day when japan surrender to the U.S, and World War two was over.