The great depression

  • Mein Kampf is Published

    Mein Kampf is Published
    After ww1 Germany struggled a lot. Adolph Hitler used Jewish people as a scapegoat to blame the problems on. Mein Kampf spread these ideas and became a popular book. Not only did this spread his ideas but it gave him political influnce
  • Stock Market Crash Begins Great Depression

    Stock Market Crash Begins Great Depression
    Due to buying on margin, the stock market crashed, losing billions of dollars on the stock market in a single day. This was known as Black Tuesday and led to the great depression after the run on banks started.
  • The Dust Bowl Begins

    The Dust Bowl Begins
    Due to droughts and lack of diversity in crops the land in the great plains region dried up which caused massive dust storms that destroyed crops and affected people across the us
  • Franklin Roosevelt is Elected President

    Franklin Roosevelt is Elected President
    He was elected in 1932 and beat Hoover by a lot. He did a lot of work to pull America out of the depression and united the country.
  • Adolf Hitler Become Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler Become Chancellor of Germany
    Because of his popularity at the time the president of Germany appointed Hitler as chancellor. After a small incident, he convinced the president to give him emergency powers which he didn't give up. He used these powers to spread his ideas and established a strong police to enforce them. Because of this, he was able to rise and become a dictator.
  • CCC is Created

    CCC is Created
    This was created as a part of the alphabet soup programs to help hire people and provide relief from the depression. It employed young men and had these men work in conservation.
  • J.J. Braddock Wins Heavyweight Boxing Title

    J.J. Braddock Wins Heavyweight Boxing Title
    He was a very popular boxer but his career went downhill and he struggled during the depression. His need to support his family and the shame of having to accept government help inspired him to return to boxing. Despite all odds being against him he won the Heavyweight title after a miraculous return the boxing.
  • WPA is Created

    WPA is Created
    The work progress administration was created as a part of the new deal program to help employ Americans and end the great depression. I had many projects most of them focused on the building of new public buildings and roads.
  • J.Edgar Hoover Becomes Head of the FBI

    J.Edgar Hoover Becomes Head of the FBI
    Hoover made a lot of changes to the FBI during his time as the head. He expanded it to what it is today and created a blacklist.
  • Olympic Games in Berlin

    Olympic Games in Berlin
    The Olympic games in Germany were very tense due to the rise of the Nazi party in Germany. Many people feared it would be used to spread their ideas. Hitler believed that black people were inferior and when Jesse Owens beat the german athletes multiple times it showed the flaws in Hitler's ideas. Hitler refused to greet Jesse after his wins.
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht, also known as the night of broken glass was a wave of violence against Jewish people as a result of the Nazi party's rise. Jewish businesses and synagogues were destroyed and thousands were arrested and many died. This was one of the first massive instances of intense violence shown against the Jewish people in Germany.
  • Grapes of Wrath is Published

    Grapes of Wrath is Published
    The novel is about a family struggling due to the dust bowl and the great depression and the family's move to California. It became very popular because it captured the struggle of the American people during the Depression.
  • Wizard of Oz Premiers in Movie Theaters

    Wizard of Oz Premiers in Movie Theaters
    The wizard of oz was a very important movie. It used many new technologies at the time such as color. It helped to push the movie industry forward and is still a very popular movie today.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    Poland was a part of Germany's territory that was lost in ww1. With the help of the USSR Hitler launched a full invasion of Poland to try and take it back, this is the official start of ww2.
  • The Four Freedoms Speech

    The Four Freedoms Speech
    As WW2 began in Europe it became very clear that the USA's government would have to get involved. FDR made this speech to inspire the American people to get involved in the war and to give them an idea of what they would be fighting for. The four freedoms were freedom of speech, worship, freedom from want and freedom from fear.