The Fault in Our Stars

  • Hazel Meets Augustus

    This is when Hazel goes to a therapy session for teens with cancer and meets Augustus Waters. The two talk and quickly become friends
  • Hazel writes to Van Houten

    Hazel reaches out to the author of her book, Peter Van Houten, via email with questions about the end of the book. He gets back to her, inviting her to come to Amsterdam, where he lives, where she can ask him her questions in person.
  • Augustus' Trip

    Since Hazel was invited to Amsterdam, Augustus plans a trip for them to go there. He wants Hazel to have the opportunity to see him and ask him her questions in person.
  • Hazel and Augustus go to Amsterdam

    Reluctantly, Hazel's mother and her doctors allow her and Augustus to go to see Van Houten and they fly to Amsterdam. Augustus tells Hazel on the plane that he is in love with her
  • Meeting Peter

    When hazel and Augustus arrive and go to Van Houten's house, where he is very drunk. He is very rude to them and refuses to answer Hazel's questions, she screams at him and leaves.
  • Bad News

    Hazel and Augustus return home, and Augustus tells Hazel his cancer has come back and its very bad.
  • Gas Station Scare

    Augustus' cancer gets progressively worse and worse, and one night he throws up in his car at ta gas station and calls Hazel to come help him. He begs her not to call an ambulance, but she does.
  • Mock- funeral

    Augustus hold a mock- funeral with Hazel and his friend Isaac because he knows he will die soon and wants to hear what they will say at his funeral. He tells Hazel he wants her to speak at his funeral and she gives him a eulogy.
  • Augustus Dies

    Hazel gets a call in the middle of the night from Augustus' parents that he has died
  • Funeral

    Hazel goes to Augustus' funeral and gives a different eulogy. Van Houten goes to the funeral, and Hazel he had a daughter who died of cancer