The Father: caring, but disobedient

  • Caring

    The father took good care of his family unit.
  • Nurturing Center

    He looked out for the babies in the Nurturing Center and treated them with care until they were adopted or released.
  • Stuffed animal

    He tried to educate Lily on what her stuffed animal was.
  • Disobayed orders

    He peeked into the list of baby names.
  • Playing

    The father played with Gabriel and spend time with him.
  • Disobayed orders, again

    He told his family unit the name chosen for the baby, Gabriel.
  • Gabriel

    He opened his home to Gabriel so he could live there for a while.
  • Lies

    He lied about how the Nurtures realeased people. He lied to Jonas.
  • Relaese to Elsewhere

    That we know of, the father didn't actually know he was killing people by "realeasing them to Elsewhere"
  • Gabriel's realease

    The father said he was sad because they had to reaeade him, but he voted yes.