the extrodinary education of nicholas benedict

By curran
  • ch. 1

    "nick" arrinves at a train station where he will be taken to an orphanage
  • ch.3

    nick gets beaton up by a bully but makes a friend that tried to help him. he had fallen asleep in the middle of a laugh due to his narcolepsy.
  • ch.5

    nick finds a libraury and absolutly loves it and is freakishly smart. he then finds a way to trick the bullies into trouble making them mad at him.
  • ch.7

    nick learns that everyone must participate in grueling work that he isnt cut out for.nick hears a rumor about a treasure being hidden in the orphanage and wants it.
  • ch.9

    nick tricks the bullies into getting in trouble again. after that he goes to the library(his only happy part of the day) and sees a book sticking out that looks interesting. he grabs it and finds a clue for the treasure.
  • ch.11

    after thinking about the clue he had obtained he noticed something about an observitory
  • ch.13

    nick sneaks out in the middle of the night and finds an observatory but without the telescope.
  • ch.15

    he and his friend then go out to look at the observatory and on the way meet a girl and then run off because they werent supposed to be there. the next night the girl showed up at the observatory and scared them
  • ch.17

    nick finds out that the girl is deaf. nick quickly learns how to use sign language and begins communicating with her. later he tells her about the treasure he is looking for and she and her family need the money.
  • ch.19

    the girls family had been made a deal that if someone could use there land theyd pay them but one of there machines broke and part of the contract said that if that happened no money had to be paid. violet wants to be an artist.
  • ch.21

    nick thinks that the treasure is hidden at a public library and tricks the supervisors into letting him go to "research" a project and he said yes.
  • ch.23

    he finally leaves for the public library but finds nothing there.
  • ch.25

    once he got back he finds that the treasure was actually the library at the orphanage because of all of the books.
  • ch.27

    nick finds a away to rebuild the broken equipment on the girls property right before the contract would have expired and they get the money they needed.