Westernfrontlarge (1)

The Eastern Front Timeline

  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    The very first attept from the Germans to invade the Soviet Union by sending over 4 million soldiers to the front ready to fight.
  • Period: to

    The Eastern Front

  • Battle of Uman

    Battle of Uman
    A battle that takes place the allied encicrclement of the 6th two very famous generals for the Germans.
  • Battle of Moscrow, Russia

    Battle of Moscrow, Russia
    Germans invaded the Soviet Union by the city of Moscrow. While defending the city both parties created a front. Soviet Union pushed the Germans back to Germany.
  • Battle of Caucasus

    Battle of Caucasus
    This event well known for the Germans climbing the mountain to attack from above on the Soviet Unions in the caucasus area.
  • Battle of Stalingrd

    Battle of Stalingrd
    The Germans and Soviet Union went to war on the frontlines for control of the city of Volgograd in the southwestern Soviet Union,
  • Operation Little Saturn

    Operation Little Saturn
    A series of an Red Army that led some of the battles of Stalingrad to the northern Caucasus and Donets Basin regions of the Soviet Union.
  • Battle of Korsun

    Battle of Korsun
    This event takes place on the Germany defense that required the Red Army to invade the pocket of Korsun.
  • Battle of Narva

    Battle of Narva
    Known as an "millitary campaign" this event was surrounded by the Hermann Castle where both the Germans and Soviet Union fought for pissession over for.
  • Siege of Budapest

    Siege of Budapest
    The desicrpition for this event is when the Soviet Union takes over the Hungarian capital city. Which was orginally was accupied by German troops.
  • Operation Spring Awakening

    Operation Spring Awakening
    One of German's last major defense in the Eastern Front . Takening place in the area where the last oil resouces was still available to the Germans.
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    The final major stage offense for the Germans to use agaisnt the Soviet Union. Starting when the Red Armt breached on the German Front.