Cold war

The Cold War

  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The Yalta Conference happened in Russia where the U.S President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. During this conference not all the countries agreed with each other, especially the United States and the Soviet Union did not agree in many issues during the Yalta Conference. This meeting is said to start the cold war. Image link:
  • Yalta conference paragraph

    The Yalta Conference was one of the events that brought a huge impact towrds the Cold War. This event is said that it was the start of the Cold War. During this meeting the leaders did not agree with each other. Especially, because the United States did not want to share the atomic bomb secret. This meeting was basically the final trigger to make the Soviet Union and the United States realize they did not agree with each other at all bringining the Cold War to a start.
  • U.S uses first A-bomb in war, Japan surrenders, end of WWII

    U.S uses first A-bomb in war, Japan surrenders, end of WWII
    On August 6, 1945 the United States dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. The Enola Gay released the bomb named little boy into Hiroshima. This was done in order to encourage Japan to surrender. The bomb killed many people instantly making Japan realize they could not fight against an atomic bomb. This brought the end of World War II. Image Link:
  • Winston Churchill delivers "Iron Curtain" speech

    Winston Churchill delivers "Iron Curtain" speech
    The "Iron Curtain" speech was deliver by the British Prime minister, Winston Churchill, on March 5, 1946. The "Iron Curtain" speech was a response to the growing communist government in Europe and how eventually it started to divide Europe up between east and west and communist and non communist. Some people see this speech as the beginning of the Cold War. Image link:
  • President Truman declares an active role in Greece and Turkey- Truman Doctrine

    President Truman declares an active role in Greece and Turkey- Truman Doctrine
    The Truman Doctrine was presented by President Truman on March 12, 1947. This plan help provide economic and military support for nations threatened by communism. This was a way to keep countries from becoming a communist country. Image link:
  • U.S. announces Marshall Plan

    U.S. announces Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan was a plan to provide economic aid to Europe and Asia. The United States basically gave $13 billion to Europe amd Asia. The main idea behind all this was to help reconstruct the economies of the countries that suffered a big loss due to WWII. Image Link:
  • Communist take over Czechoslovakia

    Communist take over Czechoslovakia
    On February 25, 1948 Communist took over Czechoslovakia. Originally, Czechoslovakia had a president but he was pressured by the Soviet Union and he just gave the Soviet Union the power to control Czechoslovakia. This action made western countries furious because one more country had fallen to communism. Image Link:
  • Berlin Blockade and Airlift

    Berlin Blockade and Airlift
    The Berlin Blockade and Airlift started on June 24, 1948 and ended on May 12, 1949. Stalin ordered to stop all supplies to stop being transported into West Germany in order to make them become communist, but Great Britain and the United States wanted to stop communist from spreading so they started the airlift program. Many planes would fly over west Germany and give food, water, and necessary materials for survival to West Germany. Image Link:
  • NATO established

    NATO established
    NATO was established on April 4, 1949 in order to help maintains peace around the world and to prevent another World War from happening. NATO was created by 12 western nation. The reason it was created was to prevent Soviet aggression to any country that protected democracy. Today NATO has 26 countries that are part of it. Image Link:
  • Soviet Developed and test 1st A-Bomb

    Soviet Developed and test 1st A-Bomb
    On August 29, 1949, the soviet finally developed and tested their first atomic bomb. The United States never gave them the secret to the Soviet Union on how to make a bomb because they knew they could use it for mad things. When did happen the U.S got worried because now Russia had powerful weapons in which it could destroy the world. Image link:
  • Communist under Mao Zedong take control of China

    Communist under Mao Zedong take control of China
    Mao Zedong took over China on Octover 1st, 1949. He fully believed and supported in a communist government. He strongly believed that dictatorship in a country was the only way to protect the people and the country was through a communist government sionce it was a powerful weapon. Image link:
  • Wisconsin senator McCarthy begins communist witch hunt

    Wisconsin senator McCarthy begins communist witch hunt
    The communist witch hunt was when people though a person was a communist spy and they would tell on them. In most of the cases the punishment for being a spy was the death penalty. Senator McCarthy was against communism to the point that he was the one that started the witch hunt. People who were accused were tried but many were executed in the end. Image Link:
  • Korean War is fought

    Korean War is fought
    The Korean War was fought between June 25, 1950 to July 1953. The Korean war began when the 38th parallel was crossed by North Korea. This was the first hot conflict during the Cold War in which the United States supported South Korea and the Soviet Union supported North Korea. Image Link:
  • Korean War paragraph

    The Korean War was one of the wars during the cold war that the United States and the Soviet Union fought with each other directly. Korea was split into North and South causing conflicts between each other since they did not agree. This lead to the invasionof one another demostrating the world once again that communism and democracy could not just get along.
  • U.S sends advisors to Vietnam

    U.S sends advisors to Vietnam
    During the Cold War Vietnam was split into North Vietnam and South Vietnam.The North supported communism while the South was against it. The United States sent advidors in order to talk to them and avoid a greater conflit. However, this failed leading to the Vietnam War. Image link:
  • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg tried and executed for espionage

    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg tried and executed for espionage
    During the Cold War many people were scared of spies being everywhere. On June 19, 1953, Julius and Ethel Rosenburg were tried and executed for espionage. This event only made people more suspisious of everyone who surrounded them. Image link:
  • Warsaw Pact formed

    Warsaw Pact formed
    The Warsaw Pact was formed on May 14, 1955. This organization was created in response to NATO. Technically the Warsaw Pact was like NATO with the difference that the countries that joined the Warsaw Pact supported communism and most importantly the Soviet Union. Image link:
  • Hungarian rebellion put down by soviets

    Hungarian rebellion put down by soviets
    During the cold war the Soviet Union was conquering almost all of Europe. This set fear to the countries that seem power less against the Soviet Union. Hungaria resisted being taken over, but soviet soon put a stop to all the rebellions. This proved the Soviet Union was powerful enough to conquer anything. This set fear into people's hearts. Image link:
  • Sputnik launched- start of space race

    Sputnik launched- start of space race
    Sputnik was launched into space on October 4, 1957. This officially started the space race or the space age between the Russia and the United States. Sputnik was the world's first satellite in which people hoped to discover new undiscovered things. Image Link:
  • Sputnik launched paragraph

    Sputnik was the name of the world's first artificial satallite launched into space. This was the satalige that started the space race. During the Cold War the United States and Russia also got engaged into racing to see who would conquer space, or the moon, first. This lead for both nation to set up aeronautics stations in order to accomplish the mission of building rockets and sending them to space and see who would win space.
  • Khrushchev demands NATO withdraw troops from Berlin

    Khrushchev demands NATO withdraw troops from Berlin
    Khrushchev was the first First Secretary of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union. He fully supported communism and detested NATO since it represented democracy. On November 1958, he order NATO to remove his troops fromt he Berlin Wall. This lead to another conflict between democracy and communism during the Cold War. Image Link:
  • Cuba taken over Fidel Castro

    Cuba taken over Fidel Castro
    Fidel Castro took over Cuba on January 1959, converting Cuba into a communist county. He was also the first person to convert Cuba into the first country in the western hemisphere into being a communist country. His action put fear into the United States because now communism was only 90 miles away from the peninsula of Florida. Image Link:
  • U-2 incident: American spy plane shot down over USSR

    U-2 incident: American spy plane shot down over USSR
    On May 1, 1960, an American spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union. This plane was spying on the Soviet Union in order to see what they were doin and what could have been their next move. The Soviet Union got mad and took hostage the pilot of the plane. Eventually the pilot was released for the exchange of also releasing a Russian spy. Image Link:
  • John F Kennedy elected

    John F Kennedy elected
    John F. Kennedy was elected on November 1, 1960 as the 35th president of the United States. He was the youngest elected president to ever be elected and to die. Despite the factythat he was young he tried to keep the nation under calmness thoughout his years as president. He tried his best to fight off the Cuban missile crisis. Image Link:
  • Bay of Pigs invasion

    Bay of Pigs invasion
    The Bay of Pigs invasion started on April 17, 1961 a and lasted to April 19, 1961. This plan was to stop Fidel Castro from further extending communism. The plan was executed when John F Kennedy was the president of the United States. Image Link:
  • Berlin Wall built

    Berlin Wall built
    The construction of the Berlin Wall began on August 13, 1961. The Berlin Wall divided the city of Berlin between East Germany and West Germany. This wall was technically ythe division between a communist Germany and a non communist Germany. Image Link:
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  • Berlin Wall built paragraph on why it has the biggest impact

    The construction of the Berlin Wall was one of the events that brought a great impact to the nation during the Cold War era. With Germany being split between communism and non-communism, people were influenced differently. Spliting the nation up only brought more conflicts between them. The Berlin wall separated families in which the United States saw communism as the destruvction of the world. With the Berlin airlift people in West Germany were able to survive without communism in their land.
  • Cuban MIssile Crisis

    Cuban MIssile Crisis
    During the Cold War many people were scared of the missles that could be launched from anywhere. When Cuba became a communist country the United States entered a panic stage in which everyone was scared that Cuba was going to launch missiles into the United States since now communism was only 90 miles away of the peninsula of Florida. During this time the United States was always on guard in order to prevent a huge conflict from developing. Image Link:
  • President Kennedy assassinated in Dallas, TX

    President Kennedy assassinated in Dallas, TX
    On November 22, 1963, President John F Kennedy was killed. He was the youngest president to be killed. Kennedy had not yet served one full term before he was killed in Dallas, Texas. Image Link: