Catcher in the rye by madamscience d5xza64

Holden's Struggles and Solutions

  • Holden's Main Conflict

    Holden's Main Conflict
    Holden's main conflict is with himself. He is trying to find his identity, An example is when Holden is calling everybody a "phony". He think of a phony as being some one who tries to be some one there not. It is ironic because Holden himself is a phony. He tries to fit in, to be cool but he's just hiding the fact from himself. That is Holdens conflict through out the whole book.
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    Catcher In the Rye

  • D.B (the phony in Holden's mind)

    D.B (the phony in Holden's mind)
    Even though Holden thinks that D.B is a phony because he decided to write screenplays instead of stories Holden still thinks highly of him. Holden still admires him because he went towards his passion and got success in return. Holden looks up to him and its even better becausen their related. For D.B being his older brother it helps because he can relate more to him and have a better connection. That's why D.B is a symbol for Holden to succeed in life and to never give up.
  • New York here I come

    New York here I come
    Holden is now heading to New York where he is leaving his family and friends back in his home town. When he heads there he starts to learn how to take care of himself and be on his own. He does make some stupid mistakes along the way but its worth it because then he learns from it. His Winter Break adventure changed him and I think that is what this book is about, to find yourself in your own way like Holden did.
  • Jane Gallagher

    Jane Gallagher
    Jane is a huge symbol for Holden because he loves her and cares about her very much. An example of this is when Holden is thinking about Jane and how Stradlater and her are going on a date. Holden gets really paranoid that they might of done "stuff" while being in the coach's car. Holden is almost protective of Jane because he cares for her so much.
  • Holden's Brother D.B

    Holden's Brother D.B
    Holden's brother D.B, I think is Holdens inspiration to do better in life. All of Holdens symblings are good acheviers at what they are or want to do. For example Holdens little sister Phoebe has all eyes, really smart and is always doing good in school. D.B is all grown uo bbut he writes books and is very good at it. Holden reads D.B's boks all the time because he finds them amazing and entertaining to read. D.B is like Holdens stride to do better in life and become more like his older brother.
  • Maybe calling Jane Gallagher from New York

    Maybe calling Jane Gallagher from New York
    After Holden leaves his doorm and gets onto the train he heads to New York. When he gets there the first thing he does he goes to the phone booth. Jane is on the top part of his list to call. Holden must care about her to want to call her and to know where he is and what happened at Pency. Holden feels comfortable when he talks to her. Holden thinks of her when he's down and thats why Jane is a symbol for Holden. Holden doesen't call her though because she's likely sleeping already.
  • Two Main Themes

    Two Main Themes
    A large theme in the book is never try to be someone your not. Holden struggles with this alot during this book. When he got kicked out of Pency and then later decided to leave, that was part of his journey to find himself, Another huge theme in this book is being a teenager and learning to grow up. You have to learn to be mature as you get older. When Holden is about to make a decsion, he does not think about what the consequences might be of his actions. Holden has to learn to think twice.