
The Boy In Striped Pyjamas

  • Bruno Makes A Discovery

    Bruno has been told that he's moving from Berlin.
    Father has a new job, which is why they're moving.
    Bruno tries to convince his mother, that moving is a bad idea.
  • The New House

    Bruno, Gretel and their mother arrive at the new house.
    Bruno proceeds in trying to persuade his mother to move back to Berlin, to be with his friends.
    After a few hours, Bruno expresses how bored he is to the maid Maria.
  • The Hopless Case

    Gretel and her friends make fun of Bruno and his height
    "What are you? Only six?"
    Bruno beleives Gretel and her friends are all Hopeless Cases
  • What They Saw Through The Window

    Bruno and Gretel see the concentration camp
    Bruno wonders why all the people there are wearing striped pyjamas
    Bruno meets Kotler in this chapter
  • Out Of Bounds At All Times And No Exceptions

    Bruno remembers a group of men that came to the house in Berlin and were speaking to Father in his office
    Bruno goes into Father's office so they can talk
    "Heil Hitler!"
  • The Overpaid Maid

    Maria tells Bruno not to say bad things about his Father
    Maria's Mother used to work from Bruno's Grandmother
    Father took Maria in as the family maid after her mother died
    Father also paid for the funeral
  • How Mother Took Credit For Something That She Hadn't Done

    Bruno wonders how to cure his case of boredom
    He makes a swing on the oak trree in the front yard
    Kotler yells at Pavel to get a tire for Bruno and to help Bruno make the swing
    Bruno falls off the swing and grazes his knee
    Pavel was a doctor, he fixes Bruno's knee.
    His mother thanks Pavel then takes credit for fixing the graze
  • Why Grandmother Stormed Out

    Grandmother was ashamed of her son because he wasn't the man she knew him as before.
    Boyne tells us about Bruno, Gretel and Grandmother performing and writing plays for christmas.
  • Bruno Remembers That He Used To Enjoy Exploration

    In this chapter, Bruno decides to explore Out-with.
    He walks into the forest and walks to the fence
    He sees the people with the stripped pyjamas
  • The Doct That Became A Speck That Became A Blob That Became A Figure That Became A Boy

    This is the chapter that introduces Shmuel
    Bruno and Shmuel become friends fast
    They both have the same birthday
  • The Fury

    The Fury comes to dinner with his wife
    The Fury is mean and nasty, where as his wife is sweet and kind
    He treats his wife badly too
    His wife, enjoys talking to Bruno and Gretel
  • Something He Shouldn't Have Done

  • Shumel Thinks Of An Answer To Bruno's Question

  • The Haircut