The 60s

The 60's

  • Greensboro Sit-Ins

    Greensboro Sit-Ins
    The Greensboro sit-ins where peaceful protests African Americans would take part in. They would sit in a restuarnt and refuse to leave until served. In the movie Emmet Taylor's dad took part in the sit-ins. His father was beaten by police fro this action
  • Period: to

    The 60's

    This timeline will show all the major events of the 60's, that are shown in the movie "The 60's"
  • Birmingham Campaign

    Birmingham Campaign
    The Birmingham Campaign was a march to end segregation. Birmingham was know to be the most racist city in the South. Micheal Herlihy watched the campaign on TV and was very moved to make a difference.
  • Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

    Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
    SNCC was a group formed to give young African Americans a voice. They helped register thousands of African Americans to vote. Michael Herlihy joined SNCC after seeing the violence in the South. He joined in 1963 while the group was formed in 1960. Michael even traveled to the South to help.

    JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963. This effected every single American. A moment you remember exactly what you where doing. Brian Herlihy was in a bar while serving the country, Katie Herlihy was home sick, and Michael Herlihy was in class.
  • Students for a Democratic Society

    Students for a Democratic Society
    The SDS was an antiwar group. They would protest the war. They wanted to bring the soldiers home. Michael Herlihy traveled to New York to an SDS meeting after on of his professor opened his mind to new ideas. At the meeting he meets Kenny Klein the president of the NY chapter, and Sarah Weinstock a member of SDS. The SDS was founded in 1960, but Micheal did not join until 1964
  • Golf of Tonkin Resolution

    Golf of Tonkin Resolution
    Lyndon B. Johnson got approval from congress to send combat troops to Vietnam after Vietnam launched a missile at an American ship. He got approval after he lied about a second missile being launched. Brian Herlihy was then sent to Vietnam to fight.
  • Watts Riots

    Watts Riots
    The watts riots started after a routine traffic stop in Watts California. The riots lead to theft, battery, and arson. Emmet Taylor witnessed the traffic stop and saw the problem escalate. He begain to take part in the riots. When his dad found him he had a gun. His father took the gun but was then shot by police.
  • Women's Liberation Movement

    Women's Liberation Movement
    The Women's Liberation movement was about women gaining all the same opportunities as men. They fought for equal employment, equal pay, and the rights to their own body. Sarah Weinstock took part in this movement when she started to take birth control.
  • Summer of Love

    Summer of Love
    The Summer of Love was the height of the Hippie lifestyle. It was a time of sexual exploration, colorful clothes, and drugs, Katie Herlihy took part in the Summer of Love after giving birth to a baby boy. Emmet Taylor also found himself taking part in the Summer of love after he lost his father.
  • Black Panther Party

    Black Panther Party
    The Black Panther Party was a group of African Americans that used more violent forceful ways to become equal. The where a self defense group that believed they must take action. The group was founded in 1966 by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton. Emmet Taylor is recruited by the Black Panther Party, which pulls him out of his hippie phase in 1967.
  • March on the Pentagon

    March on the Pentagon
    The march on the Pentagon was an antiwar protest. The SDS took part in this protest. The members marched on the Pentagon telling the soldiers that they weren't against the soldiers they were against the war. Michael Herlihy, Sarah Weinstock, and Kenny Klein all took part in the march.
  • The Tet Offensive (Kahe Sahn)

    The Tet Offensive (Kahe Sahn)
    The Tet offensive was an attack by the Vietcong on the Vietnamese new year. The American soldiers were not expecting an attack because of the holiday. Brian Herlihy fought during the Tet Offensive. He wrote a letter home telling his family it wasn't as bad as TV made it out to be. He did this to comfort them
  • Lyndon B. Johnson is not running for President

    Lyndon B. Johnson is not running for President
    In 1968 President Lyndon B. Johnson told the public he would not run for a second term. He did this because his own party was split and he believed he would not win. Michael Herlihy, Sarah Weinstock, and Kenny Klein all saw this as a win. Brian Herilhy was still deployed when he heard the news over the radio.
  • Democratic Convention of 1968

    Democratic Convention of 1968
    The Democratic Convention was supposed to be a fair for the canidates to tell the public of their ideas and views. It turned into a anti-war protest, that turned violent at night. Michael, and Brian Herlihy both attended soon after Brian came home. Sarah and Kenny where both their spreading their ideas. Emmet Taylor was sent by the Black Panther party to see what was happening. While there Brian shows signs of PTSD.
  • Woodstock

    Woodstock was a huge music festival. It took place over several days. It was rainning and people got stuck in the mud. Many music acts played. People where lots of drugs. people where also starving and sick. Michael and Brian went to the festival together. Eventually Brian gets lost and has a PTSD episode. He is then taken to the medic where he is reunited with Katie Herlihy.
  • The Days of Rage

    The Days of Rage
    The days of Rage was three days of extreme. The SDS's more extreme members where involed. People rioted. The days included the weatherman, who blew up a building and himself. In the Movie Kenny is depicted as the weatherman and kills himself while making a bomb. Sarah is also in town as Kenny was trying to bumb money off of her.