
By rengle
  • First Telescope, Lippershey

    First Telescope, Lippershey
    Hans Lippershey invented the first telescope using Dutch glass maker Zacharias Jansen's glass. He did not discover anything due to the telscope only being magnified by 3x.
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    Telescope Advances and Discoveries

  • Galileo Discoveries

    Galileo Discoveries
    Galileo discovered many things including bright "stars" actually are planets. He also discovered the moons around the jupiter. The discovery of the planets orbiting the sun changed everyones view on the universe.
  • Isaac Newton Discoveries

    Isaac Newton Discoveries
    Isaac Newton used mirrors to eliminate the rainbow colors of refracted light through glass lenses. This lead to better and clearer pictures.
  • Herschel Discoveries

    Herschel Discoveries
    Herschel used Newtons idea of mirror lenses and made it larger. Using this telescope he discovered Uranus and also believed that The Milky Way was the while universe.
  • Hale and Mount Wilson Observatory

    Hale and Mount Wilson Observatory
    Mount Wilson Observatory was the the worlds largets reflecting telescope at 100 inches. It was used to help discover more galaxies. Hubble worked there and discovered the red shift of galaxies. This is when The Big Bang Theory was put into effect.
  • Edwin Hubble

    Edwin Hubble
    Edwin Hubble worked in the MWO. In 1929 he discovered redishift by examining the moving galaxies. He also discovered the Andromeda Galaxy.
  • Penzias and Wilson

    Penzias and Wilson
    Penzias and Wilson discovered Cosmic Background Radiation in the universe using the Holdem Horn Antenna. In 1978 the two were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics.
  • Hubble Space Telescope

    Hubble Space Telescope
    Named after astonomer Edwin Hubble, the HST is one of the largest and most versitile to this day. The HST was set to launch in 1983 but was delayed due to rachnical problems, budget cuts, and the Challenger disaster. Hubbles latest project was doing research on the start of the universe, by looking at nebuli and looking back in tme.
  • WMAP

    The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), originally known as the Microwave Anisotropy Probe (MAP) was a spacecraft operating from 2001 to 2010 which measured differences across the sky in the temperature of the cosmic microwave background from the Big Bang.
  • Kepler Space Telescope

    Kepler Space Telescope
    Kepler is a space observatory launched by NASA to discover Earth-like planets orbiting other stars. The spacecraft, named after the astronomer Johannes Kepler, was launched on March 7, 2009.