Summer Olympics

  • Rome Summer Games

    Rome Summer Games
    First summer games to be covered by T.V worldwide. 18 year old Muhammand Ali is the light heavy weight boxing champion. By this being the first televised games worldwide it opened up the door for a more public games as well as bringing more nations together. Additionally, it allowed the games to be marketed more and create more hype.
  • Mexico City Summer Games

    Mexico City Summer Games
    Dick Fosbury does a new high jump technique, revolutionizing the sport. It is still used today and he took the gold medal for that event. Because this technique is still known about and still used more than 60 years later it brought more attention to the sport and generated hype around Fosbury bringing a new way to the games.
  • Munich Summer Games

    Munich Summer Games
    Black September terrorist group kidnapped 11 Israeli athletes, later killing them all. Due to that event, the games were delayed for mourning. This brought the countries together and made for a very sad moment in history. People remember these games, and that event also drew attention to them.
  • Moscow Summer Games

    Moscow Summer Games
    Due to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan the U.S boycotts the games. Attendence from countries is down since the Munich games. The countries all fear for father attacks and the U.S chooses to boycott. This is symbolic because people were afraid and they associated that fear with the olympic games, causing less people to watch.
  • IOC

    The IOC voted to allow the games to be open up to corporate sponsorship. Clearly this makes the games more marketable and lucrative. Spnsorship became a very prominate part of the games.
  • Los Angeles Games

    Los Angeles Games
    First privately finaced Olympics are a commercial success. 34 offical sponsors and 64 companies with supplier rights. This Olympics turned a profit and soccer players can now compete but only if they haven't been a part of the World Cup. Sponsorship became much more important and the market for that took off. Soccer will eventually become a big part of the games and draw much support and sponsorship. Olympics can now make a better profit.
  • Changes

    The IOC changes the schedual of the Olympics. Starting after the 1984 games the Olympics will be held two years a part, not in the same year. This causes more anticipation and more hype to come. There is now more time to market the competitors and their events. Today, the Olympics are still held two years a apart.
  • Barcelona Summer Games

    Barcelona Summer Games
    Professional athletes can compete, the U.S sends their basketball "dream team." Charles Barkley, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, Michael Jorden, and Karl Malone go undeafeted and puts the U.S mens basketball at the top. Since the team went undeafeated they were then known for being unstopable and created their own market around mens Olympic bastketball.
  • Marion Jones

    Marion Jones
    The track star retired after lying and then pleading guilty to using steriods. Her medals and prizes were given back. This had a big impact on Track and Field as well as the supportors of the Olympics. This event was well publicized in the media and generated a lot of buzz. She was seen in the public as a great and honest person but was found to be a liar. Many people were angry about this and the Olympics started to crack down harder on the subject of sterioids.
  • London Summer Games

    London Summer Games
    Michael Phelps ends his carrear with a record 22 medals (18 gold, 2 silver, and 2 bronze.) He is the athlete that has won the most medals ever in the games. This created a lot of publicity and hype around not only him but the sport of swimming. He had many endorsments and several advirtisments came out about him. He is seen as a strong public figure and even after he retired from swimming he is still in the media.