Students and teachers freedom of speech

  • The first amendment

    The first amendment says that our freedom of expression should be balanced at school so you wont disrupt learning.
  • Tinker v Des Moines

    Students wanted to protest about wearing black armbands to school ,but the teachers disagreed and the supreme court said they can wear whatever they want.
  • Bethel v Fraser

    Although we have freedom of speech at school we are not able to do or say certain things because it disrupts the learning environment and the supreme court wont allow that to happen.
  • Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier

    The students want to write a newspaper but the supreme court cannot allow them to write a newspaper alone they can only write a newspaper if is a classroom activity.
  • Morse v Frederick

    A high school student made a sign across the street from his school and the supreme court said that he shouldn't have made that sign even though he has freedom of speech because it is disrespectful and distracting to others .