Stephen Truscott's Story

  • Accused of Murder

    Steohen Truscott was accused of the murder of one of his classmates, Lynn Harper
  • Police were involved

    Stephen Truscott was interviewed by the police
  • Body was found

    Lynn Harper's body was found in lawsons bush
  • Custody

    Stephen taken into custody.
  • Being Charged

    Stephen was charged under the Juvenile Delinquents Act from Lynn's Murder.
  • application for appeal

    Stephens application for leave to appeal was denied.
  • the case

    Spetember 16-30 Truscotts case took place in Goderich, Ontario
  • guilty

    the jury returns with the verdict of guilty.
  • sentenced to jail

    the federal cabinet commuted Truscott's death sentence to life in prison.
  • transferred

    Stephen is transferred to the Ontario Training school for boys in Guelph, Ontario
  • leave for appeal

    The Supreme Court of Canada denies Stephen's application for leave to appeal.
  • hears testimony

    The Supreme Court of Canada hears testimony form 26 witneses, including Stephen, who did not testify at his trial
  • Truscott released

    Stephen Truscott is released on parole, he is now 24 years of age.
  • review the case

    lawers suggest to the court that they review the case of the wrongfully accused murder
  • release

    the appeal court's final dicision is scheduled for release