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Stalin's Russia 1924-53

By HazZ
  • Period: to

    Stalin's Russia 1924-53

  • Lenin's Death

    Lenin's Death
    Death of Lenin. Stalin survives the reading of the testament by the Central Commitee
  • Marginalisation of Trotsky

    Marginalisation of Trotsky
    Trotsky was forced to resign his military offices.
  • 14th Party Congress

    14th Party Congress
    The Fourteenth Party Congress endorsed the leadership of Stalin and his rightist ally Nikolai Bukharin, soundly defeating the New Opposition faction of Kamenev and Zinoviev.
  • Expulsion of Trotsky and Zinoviev

    Expulsion of Trotsky and Zinoviev
    Trotsky and Zinoviev were expelled from the Communist Party.
  • Start of 1st 5-Year Plan

    Start of 1st 5-Year Plan
    First Five Year Plan: Stalin announced the beginning of state industrialisation of the Soviet economy.
  • Expulsion of Bukharin

    Expulsion of Bukharin
    Bukharin was expelled from the Politburo.
  • Initiation of Gulag

    Initiation of Gulag
    The Gulag was officially established.
  • End of 1st 5-year plan

    End of 1st 5-year plan
    First Five-Year Plan: It was announced that the plan had been fulfilled.
  • 17th Party Congress Elections

    17th Party Congress Elections
    Elections to the Central Committee at the Seventeenth Party Congress revealed Sergey Kirov, the chief of the Leningrad Party, to be the most popular member.
  • Kirov's Murder

    Kirov's Murder
    Kirov was murdered by Leonid Nikolaev, possibly at the behest of Stalin.
  • Stakhanov Record

    Stakhanov Record
    Aleksei Grigorievich Stakhanov was reported to have mined over one hundred tons of coal in a single shift, sowing the seeds of the Stakhanovite movement.
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    Moscow Trials

    Moscow Trials: The Trial of the Sixteen, in which Kamenev and Grigory Zinoviev were the primary defendants, began.
    Moscow Trials: The defendants in the Trial of the Sixteen were executed.
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    Second Trial 1937

    Moscow Trials: The Second Trial ended. Of seventeen defendants, all but four were sentenced to death.
  • Execution of Military Leaders

    Execution of Military Leaders
    Case of Trotskyist Anti-Soviet Military Organization: Tukhachevsky was executed, with eight other military leaders
  • Start of Great Purges

    Start of Great Purges
    Great Purge: NKVD Order № 00447 was issued. The order established a new judicial method, the NKVD troika, and set nationwide quotas for the execution and enslavement of "anti-Soviet elements."
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    Trial of the Twenty One

    Trial of the Twenty One: The third Moscow Trial, at which Bukharin was the primary defendant, began.
    Trial of the Twenty One: The defendants were executed.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact
    The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed, promising mutual non-aggression between Germany and the Soviet Union and agreeing to a division of much of Europe between those two countries.
  • Soviet Invasion of Poland

    Soviet Invasion of Poland
    Soviet invasion of Poland (1939): The Red Army invaded Poland.
  • Trotsky Assasinated

    Trotsky Assasinated
    Trotsky assassinated, by Stalin's agents, in Mexico City.
  • German Invasion of Soviet Union

    German Invasion of Soviet Union
    Operation Barbarossa: Three million Axis soldiers invaded the Soviet Union.
  • Siege of Leningrad

    Siege of Leningrad
    Siege of Leningrad: The German army cut the last land tie to Leningrad.
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad: The German Luftwaffe began a bombing raid against Stalingrad.
    Operation Uranus: The Soviet army began a pincer movement against the German forces besieging Stalingrad.
    Operation Uranus: The German Sixth Army was surrounded.
  • Initiation of Soviet Counter Atack

    Initiation of Soviet Counter Atack
    Operation Spark (1943): The Soviet army launched a military offensive to break the Siege of Leningrad.
  • German Sixth Army surrender

    German Sixth Army surrender
    Battle of Stalingrad: The German Sixth Army surrendered.
  • Tehran Conference

    Tehran Conference
    Stalin meets with Roosevelt and Churchill in Teheran
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    Stalin meets with Roosevelt and Churchill at Yalta
  • Surrender of Nazi Germany

    Surrender of Nazi Germany
    Battle of Berlin: The defenders of Berlin surrendered to the Soviet Union.
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    Berlin Blockade

    Soviets blockade East Berlin.
  • USSR's Atomic Bomb

    USSR's Atomic Bomb
    Soviets explode their first atomic bomb.
  • Sino Soviet Alliance

    Sino Soviet Alliance
    Sino-Soviet Treaty signed
  • Doctor's Plot

    Doctor's Plot
    Announcement of Jewish "Doctors' Plot" against Stalin, plans for new wave of terror.
  • Death of Stalin

    Death of Stalin
    Death of Stalin