Solar Energy Timeline

  • Is It Time to Shoot for the Sun?

    This article shows that even though solar energy is a little expensive to harnass, it is our best solution to replace fossil fuels.
  • Toward Cost-Effective Solar Energy Use

    This article shows a major problem with solar energy, the problem that solar panels are more expensive for more effective panels and also how there are problems with storing solar energy.
  • Wildlife Conservation and Solar Energy Development in the Desert Southwest

    This article shows how solar energy is becoming more popular of an idea but I could also mention the environmental consequences if the panels are not cared for properly.
  • The key to unlocking the power of small scale renewable

    This article shows that there are areas that encourage the use of solar energy by helping to pay for panels and help with permits.
    (I was unable to find an exact date, every copy of the article that i found only had "spring 2012" as the date)