Socials timeline for Martin Luther Reformation

By Sjk
  • 1450

    Printing press

    Printing press was developed in Europe. Printing Panplets containing unbounded essays on current topics spread new ideas quickly to many people. The printing press helped contribute to Luthers success.
  • Nov 10, 1483

    Martin Luther D.O.B

    Martin Luther was born
  • 1501

    Luther and his studies

    Martin Luther began studing law at the university of Erfurt.
  • 1504

    Law to Religion

    Luther was caught in a thunderstorm, he almost got struck by lightning. He cried out "Help, St.Anne, and I'll become a monk."
    Then he stopped studying law and joined a monastary.
  • 1507


    Luther was ordained a priest
  • 1508

    University or Wittenburg

    Luther was selected to teach at the University of Wittenburg
  • 1517

    ninety-five thesis

    Luther had hand written papers which had the ninety-five thesis in latin and nailed them to church doors.
  • 1517

    Johann Tetzel

    Johann Tetzel, was authorized by the pope to sell indulgences. These practices was against what Luther was protesting againt in his papers.
  • Period: 1517 to 1546


    Luther wrote hundreds of essays which stressed justification by faith and criticize church abuses
  • 1518

    Luther and his ideas

    Luthers ideas were known throughout Europe
  • 1520

    Pope Leo X

    Pope Leo X issued a bull (a statement of the Pope's authority) comdeming Luther and banning his works but, Luther's publicity burned the bull.
  • 1521

    Holy Roman Emperor

    Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther, however the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, gave Luther one final chance. The Emporer demanded Luther to recan or take back his tachings in a meeting in Worms, Germany, but he refused infront of church officials and an assemblyof people
  • 1523

    Reformation spreading

    Millions of copies of Luther's pamphlets were in circulation. The Reformation spread and gained support of European peasants
  • Period: 1524 to 1525

    Peasant War

    The peasant war started by a group of poor German peasants that were arguing that everyone was equal under God. The war was quickly shut down by Goverment armies. The peasants were suprised and dissapointed to find out that Luther did not support them in the war
  • Period: 1546 to 1555

    Catholic and Protestant

    War raged between Catholic and Protestant princes but,
    a compromise called the Peace of Augsburg that ended the war in 1555. The compromise permitted each german prince to decide which religion would be allowed in his state. Most rulers of northern Germany chose Protestantism while most rulers in southern Germany stayed Catholic. People had moved states that allowed them to practice their own religion
  • 1560


    Reformation was established in Germany.