
  • early life of nat turner

    born on october 2,1800 in southhapton county, virginia, nat turner made history as the leader of one of the bloodiest slave revolts in america. He was born on the virginia plantation of benjamin turner, who allowed him to instructed in reading,writing and religion.
  • solar eclipse

    turner took a solar eclipse that occurred in february in 1831 as a
    signal that the time to rise up had come. He rectruited several other slaves to join him in his cause
  • nat turner

    nat turner lead a revolt that most terrifed white slaveholders, in southampton county, virginia, in august 1931. Turner's group eventually numbered around 75 blacks, murdered 60 whites in 2days before armed resistance from local whtes and arrival of state miltia forces overwhelmed them.
  • nat turners quotes

    "i saw white spirtes and
    black spirits engaged in
    battle, and the sun was
    darkened--the thunder rolled
    in the heavens, and blood
    flowed in streams"
  • the revolt

    turner and his supporters began their revolt against white slave
    owners with the killing the travis family. he gathered more
    supporters---growing to a group of uo ti 40-50 slaves.
  • turner captured

    americans were killer after the rebellion. turner was eventually
    captured on october 30, 183.
  • same fate

    Many of turners co-conspirators met the same fate as their leader