Shermans march 1

Sherman's March

  • Sherman T. William was born

    Sherman T. William was born
    He was born at Lancaster, Ohio. His father Charle's was a supreme court judge.
  • Enrolls at West Point Academy

    Enrolls at West Point Academy
    There was no definite date on when he was enrolled at West Point. During this time he kept to himself got his military education and finished 6th in his class.
  • Accompanies Richard Barnes Mason to survey

    Accompanies Richard Barnes Mason to survey
    Sherman accompanies military governor of California Colonel Richard Barnes Mason by surveying towns including the future city of Sacramento.
  • William Marries

    William Marries
    There was no definite date for when he married. William resigns from his commission in California, marries Eleanor Boyle Ewing, moves to St.Louis, MO where he tries to be a manager of a bank but wasn't successful.
  • Accepts position at LSU

    Accepts position at LSU
    There was no definite date for when he accepted the position. Sherman accepts a position at Louisiana State University Military Academy or LSU as military college superintendent.
  • Sherman Moves to the North

    Sherman Moves to the North
    No definite date for when he resigns and moves. Sherman resigns from LSU when the South started to secede from the North. Sherman moved to the North by not complying to receipt of arms by the state of Louisiana.
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    First Battle of Bull Run
    Sherman was Colonel during the First Battle of Bull Run where the defeat led him to start questioning his own judgements.
  • Suffers nervous breakdown

    Sherman suffers a nervous breakdown by being pessismistic about his command and complaining frequently to Washington D.C. where he was reassigned to St.Louis under Major General Henry W. Halleck.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    Between April- May, Sherman fought under General Grant during the Battle of Shiloh. HIs bravery in battle led to his promotion of major general and confidence from General Grant.
  • Battle of Chattanooga

    Battle of Chattanooga
    Sherman fought at the Battle of Chattanooga, where before the battle, his son died of typhoid fever. Sherman despite the loss of his son, led his troops to victory.
  • Began March to Sea

    Began March to Sea
    Sherman set the city of Atlanta on fire and destroyed the entire infrastructure of the city itself. After the city was razed they left the city and began the March to Sea.
  • Captured City of Savannah

    Captured City of Savannah
    Sherman captured the city of Savannah, which cut off Southern supplies and led to the ultimate downfall of the Confederacy.
  • Civil War Ends

    Civil War Ends
    The Civil War ends with signing of the peace treaty at the Appomattox Court House where General Lee and General Grant met and discussed terms of the treaty and unification of US.
  • Commanding General of US Army

    Commanding General of US Army
    There is no specific date for when he became general. Sherman became Commanding General of the US Army where he coordinated several campaigns against the Native Americans being put into reservations in the western U.S.
  • Proprosed President Candidate

    Proprosed President Candidate
    There was no specific date for when this was proposed. Sherman was proposed presidential candidate for the US but he declined saying he wouldn't represent each party.
  • Sherman's Death

    Sherman's Death
    He died in his sleep New York, a equestrian statue was unveiled in New York in 1903 and then another in Washington that same year. He would leave a military legacy in the United States forever.