The Day of Their Arrest
A fight begins between groups of white and black young men on a train, until the train is stopped by a posse, where the nine black young men are arrested for assult, but are later accused of rape by two girls, Victoria Price and Ruby Bates. -
The Grand Jury indicts the nine Scottsboro boys for raping Victoria and Ruby. -
Trials Opened
The trials for the nine boys begin, and are judged by Judge A. E. Hawkins. -
Clarence Norris' and Charlie Weems' Trials
Clarence Norris and Charlie Weems were convicted and sentenced to death. -
Haywood Patterson's Trial
Haywood Patterson was convicted and sentenced to death. -
The Remaining Trials
Olen Montgomery, Ozie Powell, Willie Roberson, Eugene Williams, and Andy Wright were all convicted and sentenced to death leaving. Roy Wright, being the youngest at age thirteen, his trial had ended in a hung jury, with most wanting a death sentence. -
Exicutions Pending
The exictutions of the boys are left pending appeal to the Alabama Supreme Court. -
Alabama Supreme Court's Decision
The Alabama Supreme Court had voted 6-1 to uphold the convictions of seven of the defendants, this granted Eugene Williams another trial because he was a juvenile when he was convicted. -
U.S. Supreme Court Gets Involved
The U. S. Supreme Court agrees to listen to and review the Scottsboro Case. -
U.S. Supreme Court Reverses Conviction of the Scottsboro Boys
The Supreme Court, voted 7-2, reversing the convictions of the Scottsboro boys in what was called Powell vs. Alabama. This was voted because Alabama had failed to provide assistance of counsel which is required in the 14th Amendment. -
Patterson's Second Trial Begins
With the case now taken by Samuel Leibowitz, Haywood Patterson's second trial begins, now before Judge James Horton. -
Ruby Bates' Suprise Appearance
Ruby Bates having disappeared for a while since the trials appears as a surprise witness for the defense, on the stand she denied that she had been raped by the boys, and she then testified that she was really with Victoria Price while on the train. -
Patterson is Founf Guilty
Haywood Patterson is found guilty by the jury and is sentenced to death by electric chair. -
Patterson's Conviction Set Aside
Judge Horton sets aside Haywood Patterson's conviction and grants a new trial. -
Scottsboro Judges Changed
The case for the Scottsboro boys is transferred from Judge Horton to Judge William Callahan. -
Patterson and Norris Next Trail
Haywood Patterson and Clarence Norris are tried once again, and are convicted, and sentenced to death. -
U.S. Supreme Court Overturns Norris and Patterson Convictions
The U.S. Supreme Court overturns the convictions of Norris and Patterson because there had been no African Americans in the jury when they were convicted. -
Haywood Patterson's Fourth Conviction
Haywood Patterson is convicted of rape for the fourth time, and is sentenced to 75 years in prison. -
Powell is Shot
Ozzie Powell is shot in the head by a sheriff while attacking his Deputy Sheriff. -
Many of the Scottsboro Boys Released
All chargees had been dropped for Roy Wright, Eugene Williams, Olen Montgomery and Willie Roberson abd they were soon released were released. -
Norris's Sentence Changed
Clarence Norris's death sentence is changed to prison for life by Governor Graves. -
Period: to
Weems, Norris and Wright are Parolled
Weems, Norris, and Andy Wright are realesed from prison on Paroll. -
Period: to
Norris and Wirght Violate their Paroll
Norris and Wright leave Montgomery, which was violationg their paroll and Norris returned to prison. -
Period: to
Powell and Norris are Parolled but Andy Wright is Returned to Prison
Ozzie Powell and Norris are parolles, form which Norris leaves Alabama. And Wright returns to Kilby Prison. -
Period: to
Patterson Escapes, but is Arrested and Convicted Again. While Andy Wright is Parolled
Andy Wright is parolled. Haywood Patterson escapes from prison and is later arrested by the FBI, but Michigan's Governer refuses to send him back ot Alabama. He then later is convicted of manslaughter and is sentenced to six to fifteen years in prison, but soon dies of cancer. -
Norris Pardoned
Clarance Norris if officially pardoned by the Alabama State Governor.