
Scientists Through the Ages

  • Arthur Holmes

    Arthur Holmes
    Arthur Holmes was a British geologist. He published a booklet called The Age of the Earth in 1913. He believed in Continental Drift –he lived when no one wanted to even believe it at all.
  • Alfred Wegner

    Alfred Wegner
    Wegner published his book Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane. This was his book that explained the reason for continental drift. If he hadn't published this book who knows what everyones thoughts one continental drift would be.
  • Kiyoo Wadati

    Kiyoo Wadati
    Kiyoo Wadati is a Japanese seismologist. He researched subduction zone earthquakes. He wrote a paper about shallow and deep earthquakes in 1928. There is a seismic place named after him and Hugo Benioff, called theWadati-Benioff zone.
  • RV Atlantis

    RV Atlantis
    Atlantis is the namesake of WHOI’s first research vessel, a 142-foot, steel-hulled, ketch-rigged ship that sailed 299 cruises and more than 700,000 miles for ocean science from 1931 to 1966.
  • Hugo Benioff

    Hugo Benioff
    Hugo Benioff is an American seismologist. He charted the spots of deep earthquakes. He invented the Benioff seismometer in 1932.There is a seismic place named after him and Kiyoo Wadati, called the Wadati-Benioff zone.
  • Alexander du Toit

    Alexander du Toit
    In 1937 Alexander L. Du Toit, a South African geologist, modified Wegener’s hypothesis by suggesting two primordial continents: Laurasia in the north and Gondwana in the south.
  • Harry H Hess

    Harry H Hess
    Harry Hammond Hess, a professor of geology at Princeton University, was very influential in setting the stage for the emerging plate-tectonics theory in the early 1960s. He believed in many of the observations Wegener used in defending his theory of continental drift, but he had very different views about large-scale movements of the Earth.
  • Robert S Dietz

    American geophysicist and oceanographer who set forth a theory of seafloor spreading in 1961.
  • Sir Edward Bullard

    Sir Edward Bullard
    He became professor of geophysics and director of the department of geodesy and geophysics at the University of Cambridge in 1964. In his research on the structure of Earth’s crust and Earth’s internal constitution, he made valuable studies of radioactive heat generation within Earth and of Earth’s thermal history.
  • Glomar Challenger

    Glomar Challenger
    The contract in 1966 between the University of California and the National Science Foundation began Phase I of the Deep Sea Drilling Project which was based out of Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego. Global Marine, Inc. performed the actual drilling and coring.