1050 BCE
Saul Crowned King
Saul was anointed by Samuel the Prophet. He later returned to the fields thinking he wasn't worthy to be king. Saul was originally looking for his Donkeys'. -
1025 BCE
Saul's First Battle at Michmash
Saul's first battle was led by Saul and his son Jonathan. Jonathan was recalled to have found a secret path around the Philistine army and then defeated them. -
1020 BCE
Saul's Sin
With a Philistine attack drawing nearer, Saul and the people of a nearby town were getting worried. Saul had sent for Samuel to come and offer a sacrifice but with time running low, Saul offered it himself and Samuel then told Saul that someone was gonna take his throne. -
1020 BCE
David and Goliath
The Israelites and the Philistines were in a battle and for a long time, the Israelites were taunted by Goliath the giant. David told Saul that he would fight him and he did and won using just his sling. -
1019 BCE
The Spirit leaves Saul
Saul had won many battles throughout his life, but he sinned a few times. The spirit of the Lord eventually left him and he was plagued with an evil spirit. -
1019 BCE
David anointed by Samuel
With the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, Samuel went out to anoint a new king but did it in secret. Samuel lined up all of Jesse's sons but only found favor in the youngest, David. -
1019 BCE
David plays for Saul
The spirit of God left Saul and an evil spirit came over him. He asked David to come and play his harp for him. David does and it calms Saul. -
Period: 1018 BCE to 1014 BCE
Saul Chases David
For 4 years, Saul chased David with the intention of killing him. Saul ran into David a couple of times. David 2 times passed up the opportunity to kill him because he was God's anointed King. -
1017 BCE
David and Jonathan's Covenant
David and Jonathan loved each other and were best friends. They created a covenant that if one of them would die, they would take each others family and take care and protect them. -
1010 BCE
Saul and Jonathan Die
Saul and Jonathan were killed in battle near Jabesh-Gilead. When Saul saw that they were losing the battle, he commanded his servant to kill him so he wouldn't be mocked and tormented. His servant then killed him. Jonathan the General died on the frontlines -
1003 BCE
Solomon is Born
Solomon is David's second son but his first one died as judgment for David's sin. Solomon, when grown-up will be the rightful king and will be known for his asking of wisdom and his riches. -
998 BCE
When Mephibosheth's nurse got the news that Saul and Jonathan died, his nurse dropped him leaving him crippled. David then called for Jonathan's son Mephibosheth and let him live in the Palace for the rest of his life fulfilling the covenant he had with Jonathan -
995 BCE
David and Bathsheba
David committed sin when he saw Bathsheba bathing and then killed her husband to cover up his sin of committing adultery. -
993 BCE
Nathan Rebukes David
After commiting adultery with Bathsheba, Nathan the Prophet came to David one day telling him a story of a Poor man with one lamb which he loved and a Rich man with herds of sheep and one day, the Rich man got a visitor. He went over to the Poor man's house and took his lamb and cooked it for his visitor instead of getting one out of his flock. David was angry and told Nathan "whoever did this will die. And Nathan said it was you! Then David went away mourning and Repenting what his had done. -
974 BCE
The Census
David by the law of God was not supposed to number the men of Israel and Judah so that he would not gain confidence in his army. David did it anyway and found that he had a strong army. David then repented realizing the wrong he had done. -
972 BCE
Solomon Crowned(David still Ruling)
After Adonijah proclaimed himself king, Nathan came up with a plan to crown Solomon and when Adonijah heard the trumpets, he and everyone at Adonijah's ceremony fled and he fled to the horns of the Temple. Solomon then had mercy on Adonijah. -
971 BCE
David commands Solomon to build the Temple
David before he died commanded Solomon to build the temple by giving him tons of wood, bronze, iron and a hundred thousand talents worth of gold. -
970 BCE
David Dies
After a long period of being king, David dies leaving the throne to his son Solomon. -
970 BCE
Solomon's Wisdom
One night God called Solomon and asked for what God shall give him. Solomon told God that he wanted wisdom to discern the right from the wrong. God gave it to him and blessed him for not choosing riches. -
965 BCE
King Hiram
King Hiram gave a bunch of supplies to Solomon for the Temple and what Solomon needed. He was part of the Phoenician Empire. He was very wealthy and gave Solomon many supplies. -
945 BCE
Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon
When the Queen of Sheba heard of Solomon's fame and wealth, she traveled to meet him with gold, silver, spices, and animals. She saw all that Solomon accomplished and blessed his God and then she left. -
940 BCE
Solomon's Fall
Solomon started worshipping the gods of his wives. He started falling from God. He started losing his wisdom, his peace, and his wealth. -
931 BCE
Solomon's Death
Solomon's life was coming to an end and he wrote a depressing book Ecclesiastes. Solomon was wise in the beginning but lost it in the end. He died and was buried close to David his father. -
931 BCE
Rehoboam was king when Solomon died and reigned for 17 years. He worshipped idols but mostly the golden calves. He was not a good guy and God left him. -
931 BCE
Jeroboam was given ten pieces of a coat and got all the tribes except Levi, Judah, and Benjamin. Rehoboam got the rest of the tribes. He worshipped the golden calves. 22 years he reigned. -
915 BCE
King over Judah and his father was Rehoboam. He reigned for 3 years. His mother was Maccah. He also went to war with Jereboam. -
912 BCE
Reigned for 41 years. He reigned in the same years as Nadab. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and tore down idols. He built fortified cities. He went to war with the Ethiopians and asked for God's help and he defeated the Ethiopians. Asa gathered many people and started sacrificing animals and they made a Covenant with God. He went against his Grandma and removed her from power. Asa put a fort so people couldn't come from Israel. He sinned and later he died and they buried him. -
910 BCE
Was Jeroboam's son and did evil in the sight of the Lord. He reigned for 2 years. He then was killed by Nasham. -
909 BCE
Baasha reigned for 24 years and did evil in the sight of the Lord. He was Buried at Tirzah. -
886 BCE
Ahab was the most wicked king and he married Jezebel. He chased Elijah and challenged him on mt. Caramel. Reigned for 22 years -
885 BCE
Elah was the son of Baasha. He reigned for 2 years. His servant, Zimri, killed him and took over his throne. -
884 BCE
When Zimri killed Elah, Omri killed Zimri and he was the worst king that Israel ever had. Ahab was his son. -
884 BCE
Zimri reigned 7 days. He was the servant of Elah and he killed him. His army conspired against Zimri. Zimri heard of this and he burned his palace down with himself in it. -
880 BCE
Jehoshaphat followed in the ways of his father and was a good king. The one mistake he made was that he made a marriage alliance with Ahab king of Israel. -
875 BCE
Jehoshaphat's Battle
Ahab called Jehoshaphat and another king to help him fight the Moabites. Ahab asked prophets if they should go and they said yes. Then Jehoshaphat wanted to Godly prophet. They got Macchia and he said that they should go but then he changed his mind. They went and God said that he would put the battle in their hands. Then they got the choir to sing while the enemy killed itself. -
870 BCE
Elijah is Fed
Elijah told Ahab that there would be a drought and Ahab got mad and chased him. Elijah stayed at the brook of Cherith for 3 years until the water dried up. Elijah was fed by Ravens. -
868 BCE
Elijah and the Widow
Elijah went to the widow in the village of Zarephath and told her to get him food and water. she told him that this was her last meal and she would eat it with her son and die. She had faith and gave him food and her flour and oil never ran out until the drought ended. Soon after, her son died and Elijah came to her and called out to God to let him live and he was brought back to life. -
867 BCE
Mount Carmel
Elijah and Ahab went head to head to see who's God were better. They built two altars, and prophets of Baal cut themselves and prayed but Elijah mocked them. Elijah prayed and before he was done, God sent fire from heaven that burnt the stones, the water, the sacrifice, and some of the dirt. -
866 BCE
The Mountain of God
Elijah tells God that he needs to kill him. An angel then touched him while he was sleeping and gave him a meal. An angel came a second time and went in the strength of that food for 40 days and 40 nights. He went to Mt Sanai and he cried out to God because he thought he was the only one following God. A wind went by and tore the stones apart but the Lord was not in that. An earthquake but God was not in that. A fire but he was not in that. Then he heard a small voice and that was God. -
860 BCE
Ahab and Ben-Hadad
Ben-Hadad surrounded the city and asked Ahab for all his gold, silver, wives, and children. Ahab gave in but eventually said that he won't do it. Ben-Hadad became drunk and told his soldiers to take everyone alive. Hadad told his army that their God is a God of the mountains. Israel strikes 100,000 Syrians in 1 day. 27,000 soldiers die because a city wall falls on them. Ahab made a peace treaty with Hadad but God didn't like that. God then punished Ahab for this. -
860 BCE
Joram reigned for 8 years and married Athaliah who was Ahab's daughter. Joram was the son of Jehoshaphat. -
858 BCE
Ahab and Naboth
Ahab coveted a vineyard that Naboth had. He asked Naboth to name a price but he didn't want to sell it. Ahab then went home and pouted. Then, Jezebel came and made a plan that said that Naboth blasphemed against God and the king. Then they stoned Naboth. Ahab was happy but Elijah came to him and said that dogs will eat your bodies. Their family will be eaten by birds. Ahab then went home and repented. Elijah said that he won't destroy his kingdom when he was alive. -
850 BCE
Ahab's Death
Ahab and Jehoshaphat called Macchia to see if they're gonna win. Macchia says there gonna be like sheep without a shepherd. Ahab then threw him in prison. Ahab disguised himself and an archer kills him with an arrow. Dog's then lapped his blood up. -
850 BCE
Ahab dies and Ahaziah becomes king and goes to war with Moab. One battle happened in Samaria on the rooftops and he falls and is injured. The angel of the Lord said that Ahaziah is gonna die. Ahaziah made a plan to kill Elijah so the prophecy wouldn't be true. Then Elijah calls fire down and kills 50 men. And they sent more men and Elijah sent fire down from Heaven. Then a third time, the captain begs Elijah to not kill him and he doesn't. Then Ahaziah died. Reigned for 2 years -
849 BCE
Elijah and Elisha
Elisha and Elijah were walking to Gilgal and they came to the Jordan and Elijah parted the water. Elisha asked Elijah for a double portion of spirit. Then Elijah says there is gonna be a sign that if he sees him being taken away, then he will get the double portion. They're walking and Elijah gets a chariot of fire to carry him away. The Elisha walked away and split the Jordan river again. -
848 BCE
He reigned for 12 years. Jehoram continues the battle with Moab. Moab would give a tribute of 100,000 lambs but they stopped after Ahab died. He then invited Jehoshaphat and Edom to help fight Moab. They go and don't come across the water for 7 days. They then go to Elisha and he only helps them because Jehoshaphat is good. The next morning, the whole country got filled with water and the Moabites were won in their hands. The Moabites think its blood. They wake then and kill the Moabites. -
848 BCE
Elisha's first Miracles
The people said that the water was not good so he went to the water and threw salt in it. Elisha was walking and some boys kept mocking him about his bald head and he cursed them and 2 she bears come and kill 42 boys. -
847 BCE
he was bad and reigned for 1 year. -
846 BCE
Jehu a commander of the army went and killed Ahaziah and Jehoram and he killed people of Baal but he didn't destroy the calves. He reigns for 28 yr. -
846 BCE
Athaliah married Joram and then killed everyone in his family when their son Ahaziah died. She then reigned for 7 years. She broke the covenant that God promised or so she thought. -
840 BCE
Athaliah's Death
Joash was hidden from Athaliah for 6 years and they crowned him king. Athaliah heard this and she was killed then behind the temple. -
840 BCE
reigned for 40 years and he decides to restore the temple. Jehoiada the high priest hid him and took care of him until he died. He then turned away from God. He then was assassinated in his bed. -
838 BCE
Elisha and the Oil
One of the prophets comes to Elisha and says that since his dad died, he will get sold into slavery because they were all in debt. An he told her to get oil and fill up all the pots and sell them. -
837 BCE
Elisha and the Stew
Elisha was eating at the school and someone took some stew and said don't drink it because it's poisoned. Then Elisha said to go and put some flour in it and it worked. -
836 BCE
Elisha and Naaman
Naaman who was a Syrian commander got leprosy which was a death sentence. His maid told him that he should go to a prophet in Israel named Elisha. Naaman then goes with gifts so that he can be healed. Naaman goes to Elisha. His servant Gehazi then tells Naaman to wash in the Jordan 7 times. Naaman was mad but then did it and was healed. Naaman gives him gifts but Elisha rejects them. Gehazi sneaks to Naaman and then gets the gifts from Naaman. Elisha was mad and Gehazi then gets leprosy. -
817 BCE
he reigned over Israel and he reigned 17 years and was bad. Jehu was his father. He made the army small because all of their losses to Syria -
800 BCE
Reigned for 16 years and was bad. When Elisha was sick, he went to him. Elisha then told him to shoot the bow out the window. He then was told to hit the ground with the arrow. He hit it 3 times and Elisha gets mad and said that he should have struck the ground 5-6 times. Then the Syrians were defeated only 3 times. -
800 BCE
He reigned for 29 years. He was kind of a good king because he killed his father's assassins but spared their sons. -
800 BCE
reigned for 52 years. he was a good king. Built lots of towers and farmed a lot. He eventually grew proud and tried to offer incense but the priests stopped him and he got mad and broke out with leprosy. He was a leper until he died. Jotham his son reigns in his place. -
784 BCE
Jeroboam II(Israel)
After his father died, he reigned and worshipped idols. He won a couple of wars. He also reigned for 41 years -
748 BCE
he was 25 years old when he started reigning and he reigned for 16 years and he was a good king. He followed what his father did. -
743 BCE
reigned for 6 months and was bad -
742 BCE
He was the son of Jabesh. He reigned in Samaria for 1 month then got killed by Menahem. -
742 BCE
he was evil and killed Shallum and did what was evil. He reigned for 10 years. He cut pregnant women open. -
732 BCE
reigned 2 years and did evil. Pekah conspired against him and killed him. -
730 BCE
reigned 20 years and was bad. Hoshea then killed him. -
723 BCE
20 years when he started reigning and he reigned 16 years. He did what was evil and offered his sons to Baal. -
710 BCE
He did evil and reigned 9 years. He was last Israel king. -
707 BCE
He was the son of ahaz. reigned for 29 years and was a good king. He tore down the high places and idols. He trusted in God against Sennacherib. He gained 15 more years from God when he was sick. He disobeyed God when he showed people his riches and then God said that his riches would be taken by babylon. He asked for a sign from God and the sun moved backwards 10 steps. -
678 BCE
he was 12 when started reigning. He reigned for 55 years and did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. He built back the high places and Baal and offered his son as an offering. Ammon his son reigned in his place when he died. He was considered the worst king. He was conquered by the Assyrians and sold as a slave to Babylon. When he was distressed, he turned back to God, finished his reign in Judah, and tore down altars and high places. -
623 BCE
he reigned 2 years and was 22 when he started to reign. He did everything that was evil. He dies when his servants kill him. Josiah Reigns in his place. -
621 BCE
He was 8 when he started his reign. Reigned 31 years and did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. He took down idols and Baal. He sent people to repair the temple. Hilkiah the priest found the book of the Law of Moses and he gave it to the king and Josiah wept and tore his clothes. They slaughtered a bunch of animals for the Passover. Josiah then when out to fight Neco of Egypt and was badly wounded in battle. His servants carried him away and he died in Jerusalem. -
590 BCE
He was 23 when he started reigning. Reigned for only 3 months. He then was deposed and Neco the Egyptian Pharaoh replaced him with his older brother Eliakim. Neco then changed his name to Jehoiakim. He was bad. -
590 BCE
He reigned for 11 years after his brother was deposed. He was bad. -
579 BCE
Jehoiachin was Jehoiakim's son. He was bad. He reigned for 3 months. -
568 BCE
After his nephew dies, Zedekiah's eyes were gouged out and his sons were killed in front of him. Babylon captured Judah. He was bad.