
Saudi Arabia Project

  • Saudi Arabia becomes a part of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

    Saudi Arabia was one of the first to organize the organization, along with Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and Venezuela. Originally had its headquarters in Switzerland, but later moved it to Austria.
  • Oil embargo against the US

    While already being a foundation of OPEC since september 10-14 of 1960, Saudi Arabia, an oil embargo was put in place in 1970 which triggered steep increase of prices.
  • Saudi Arabia becomes the source of 17% of US oil import

    The 1973 US oil crisis spurred the need for more imports of oil. This required a near double of imports, rising about 2.1 million barrels a day.
  • Saudi Arabia is the largest buyer of US arms

    With President Carter in office, the decision to export guns to other countries was made, but only if it would benefit the US in some way.
  • Persian Gulf War

    US troops stationed in Saudi Arabia began to experience the early Iraqi air strikes. President bush sent 430,000 troops to Saudi Arabia to protect the people from Iraq.
  • Saddam Hussein prepares to invade Saudi Arabia

    Hussein was a dictator whose goal was to take control by killing off his enemies. After invading Kuwait, Iraqi forces border Saudi Arabia in order to prepare for Hussein.
  • Saudi Arabia strips Osama Bin Laden of his citizenship

    The reasons being suspected terrorist activities and criticism of the Al Saud family (rulers of Saudi Arabia).
  • The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

    Discuss the Islamic practices (concealing the body with veils and loose fitting garments) which were practices enforced by law in countries such as Saudi Arabia.
  • Al-Queda stationed troops in Saudi Arabia

    After American troops were stationed in Saudi Arabia in order to support Israel, Al Queda fought back to drive the American’s out of the Arabian peninsula in general. This then led to the group stationing themselves in Saudi Arabia.
  • Saudi Arabian Adherents were mainly Muslim

    Although it is not required to be Muslim by law in Saudi Arabia, nearly all of the citizens are. In 2006, 15% of the population were Shia Muslims, living mostly in the eastern highlands.