Road to the Constitution

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta was created to reduce King John reducing his power and allowing the formation of a powerful parlament, a collection of thirty seven laws. This document was signed at Runnymede near Windsor Castle.
  • Mayflower Compact

    This was a Document signed by 41 English colonists was the first written framework of government established what is now the United States.
  • Petition of Rights

    Petition of Rights
    The Petition influenced the rights contained by the Constitution of the United States. Was a statement of civil liberties sent by the English Parliament to Charles I. His subjects were unhappy with the unfair taxation, judiciary system, the law, etc.
    Rights Given: The Petition contains restrictions on non-Parliamentary taxation, forced billeting of soldiers, imprisonment without cause, and restricts the use of martial law.
    Who signed it: Charles I
  • English Bill of Rights

    King James II with assistance by divers evil counsellors, some of which are: fines have been imposed illegal and cruel punishments inflicted all which utterly and directly contrary to known laws and statutes and freedom of realm.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    This war mainly was fought between the French and the British. The British ultimately won this war sometimes known as the seven year war. Two major battles were: the British Defeated at Ft. Duquesne, and the massacre at Ft. William Henry.
  • Albany Plan of the Union

    Albany Plan of the Union
    This plan was made back at the Albany Congress that aimed at a formation of a strong union under one power. The need was justified by the need of defense against the threats of the French and Indian war. No this plan did not act because each colony wanted to be more independent.
  • King George takes power

    This is during the time that the French and Indian war was taking place in the Americas which greatly changed the relationship between the british and the british colonists.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The taxes were imposed on all American colonists and required them to pay a tax on every piece of printed paper they used.
    Items taxed: Paper, licenses, legal documents, tea, playing cards, etc.
    How Colonial Leaders reacted to this: The Stamp Act was viewed as a direct attempt by England to raise money in the colonies without the approval of the colonial legislatures.
  • Boston Massacrea

    Boston Massacrea
    Boston Massacre videoThe Boston Massacre occured due to a mob of civilian colonist men surronded a group of soldiers who then fired at the mob killing five and injuring six others. These soldiers were out enforcing the unpopular british acts.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party took place after a group of Partriotic citizens threw 342 chests of tea into the Boston harbor on a midnight raid on three tea ships after the monopoly on tea. The Sons of Liberty organized this.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    The Intolerable Acts were laws that were really punishments that King George III put on the colonies.
    Cause: He did this to the Colonists because he wanted to punish them for dumping tea into the harbor at the Boston Tea Party.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The first continental congress had multiple delagates from the colonies except Georgia. They met in Carpenters Hall Philadelphia, There were several important men who attended this congress such as: Col. George Washington, Richard Henry Lee, Patrick Henry, Edmund Pendleton nad Peyton Randoplh who would be immediately elected president of this meeting.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    Was the start of the Revolutionary War. Tensions had been building up between the 13 American colonies and the British authorities.
    Result of Conflicts: Killed or wounded roughly 250 Redcoats. 90 killed and wounded militiamen.
    Generals involved: Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Joseph Warren
    Paul Revere: He rode into town and alerted the colonists of the British who were coming.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    Was where the Declaration of Independence was signed.
    Took place: Philidelphia, PA (Independence Hall)
    Ideas at Meeting: If Congress was going to print paper money, freedom from Britain.
    Colonial Leaders Involved: Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Ethan Allen, Benedict Arnold, etc
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Was written to seek independence from Great Britain. Signed by John Hancock. Jefferson's most immediate sources of influence were two documents written in June 1776: his own draft of the preamble of the Constitution of Virginia, and George Mason's draft of the Virginia Declaration of Rights.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    The Articles of Confederation is a national form of government that was used in place when the congress considerded this as a draft. The first president under these Articles was John Hanson
  • Start of Consitutional Convention

    Start of Consitutional Convention
    The Constitutional Convention began after the United States was bankrupt after the war with Britian. Represenatives came from every state except from Rhode Island. They met in the Pensulvannia State House also known as Independence Hall. This meeting took place in order to find a way to relieve the current debt that the States were currently in.