Road to Revolution Timeline of Events

  • 1. Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris of 1763 ended the French and Indian war between Great Britain and France. It was fought in North America over the land.
  • 2. Proclamation act

    King George III following the French Indian war forbidding the settlement past the Appalachian mountains.
  • 3. Sugar act

    It was a tax on the purchase of sugar and molasses. I was taxed because it was imported.
  • 4. Stamp act

    British made a tax on stamp act. It was on stamps for newspapers and commercial documents.
  • 5. Quartering act

    The British makes the colonial people to house the British army member.
  • 6. stamp act congress

    The stamp act was voted to be repealed on this date
  • 7. Stamp act repealed

    On this date the parliament voted to repeal the stamp act.
  • 8. Declaratory act

    This act gave British parliament all the power over the colonies.
  • 9. townshend act

    This was to make sure the colonists knew that Britain had the power.
  • 10. Boston massacre

    This was the day that British soldiers opened fire at a line of colonists and killed 5 and injured 6.
  • 11.committee of correspondence

    One person from each colony was a part of a committee that would report to England.
  • 12. Tea act

    This was a tax on tea to stop the mass spread of it.
  • 13. Boston tea party

    A bunch of colonists went on a boat a dumped all the tea into the Boston harbor.
  • 14. Intolerable acts

    Passed to punish the colonists for the Boston tea party.
  • 15. 1st continental congress

    first meeting of the congress that was held at Carpenter's hall in Philadelphia.
  • 16.Declaration of Rights and Grievance

    Passed so that England can't pass taxes on the colonies with out written consent.
  • 17. Lexington and concord

    The first battle of the revolutionary war fought in Massachusetts.
  • 18. Bunker Hill

    Greatest battle happened in Boston and pushed the Americans back until they ran out of gun powder.
  • 19. appeal to reason rejected

    was a letter to King George III to try and stop war.
  • 20. common sense

    A pamphlet written by Thomas Paine to tell the 13 colonies about independence from England.
  • 21. declaration of independence

    The day we declared as an independent country.