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Rise of Sports

  • 10,000 BCE

    Pre-Agricultural Societies

    Pre-Agricultural Societies
    Marked the beginning of civilizations. Hunter-gatherers constantly searched for food and moved around for shelter. Always active with little spare time.
  • 776 BCE

    Ancient Greece, The Olympic Games

    Ancient Greece, The Olympic Games
    The first-ever Ancient Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece.
  • 50 BCE

    Roman Empire

    Roman Empire
    From 50 BCE to 500 CE. The Roman Empire took over Greece but continued The Olympic games.
  • 393

    The Olympic Games banned

    The Olympic Games banned
    In A.D 393, the Emperor of the Roman Empire, Theodosius 1, banned The Olympic Games.
  • 1400

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    From the 14th to 17th centuries, the study of human anatomy and physiology increased as athleticism became once again a social interest.
  • 1420

    Vittorino da Feltre

    Vittorino da Feltre
    Vittorino da Feltre was an Italian Physician; he started the first physical education classes.
  • 1510

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci
    After his anatomical dissections, Da Vinci created detailed drawings of the human body's skeletal and muscular system.
  • The Industrial Revolution & Victorian Era

    The Industrial Revolution & Victorian Era
    Throughout the 17th to 19th centuries, the upper and middle class enjoyed tennis, golf, horseriding, swimming and cycling.
  • Victorian Era

    Victorian Era
    In British schools in the 18th to 19th centuries, physical education became a growing part of the school system because it’s considered essential to a man's education.
  • The Round Hill School

    The Round Hill School
    The Round Hill School in Massachusetts was the first to involve physical education in its curriculum.
  • Revival of The Olympic Games

    Revival of The Olympic Games
    In 1896, The Olympic Games were revived as an international competition held in Athens. The games would be held every four years.
  • Women in The Olympics

    Women in The Olympics
    In 1900, 22 women athletes competed for the first time in the Olympics.
  • Women become involved in physical activity

    Women become involved in physical activity
    In the early 1900, women started forming physical activity clubs such as tennis, archery and croquet and were also then becoming more competitive in sports. In addition, women were allowed to participate in several men's clubs.
  • Winter Olympic Games

    Winter Olympic Games
    In 1924, the first Winter Olympic games were in France.
  • Special Olympics

    Special Olympics
    The first Special Olympics was held in Chicago for people with disabilities and are participated in every two years.
  • Arctic Winter Games

    Arctic Winter Games
    In 1970, the first Arctic Winter Games took place in Northwest Territories. They occur every two years.
  • Aerobics

    A popular trend in the 80s on live television or VHS is a form of physical activity that includes rhythmic exercise with stretching that helps get in shape.
  • Zumba classes

    Zumba classes
    This trend began in the early 2000s and continues today. It is an easy and fun form of physical activity/cardio that burns many calories.
  • Smartwatches

    The first smartwatch launched in 2013 and has since become a trend as it tracks physical activities and health statuses such as heart rate and oxygen levels.