Richard pierpoint1812.jpeg.size.xxlarge.letterbox

Richard pierpoint

By Amon
  • Richard pierpoint's birthday

    Richard pierpoint's birthday
    Richard pierpoint was born in 1744 in Bondu, senegambia, West Africa the reason i chose this picture was because it was pier point 's birth so the baby boy represents pier point.....
  • Richard pierpoint's capture

    Richard pierpoint's capture
    Richard pierpoint got captured when he was 16 years old an average grade 11 studentl's age the reason i chose this picture was because this picture shows a person in some sort of cell so i fiugred that it would show pier point being trapped....
  • The worst journey

    The worst journey
    Richard pierpoint was first taken to the brod gambia river and after that he was take to the boat and was sent to euope which took about 2 months the reason i chose this picture was because this picture shows the chain and the work pierpoint had to do after his journey to europe.....
  • The warrior

    The warrior
    Pierpoint was a warrior fighiting for the britidh army he fought the battle in fort niagra because in 1780 The American Revolutionary War had begun he left the army when he was 36 in 1784 a year after the war had ended and disappeared for four years. The reason i chose this image was because it shows the war and pierpoint in it as the warrior as written in my title......
  • The reward

    The reward
    In 1788 Richard pierpoint was granted as a veteran a 200-acre parcel of land on Twelve Mile Creek near the present day St. Catharines, the reason i chose this picture was because the 200 acre land was really big and was granted to pierpoint because of his bravery in the war......
  • The land owner

    The land owner
    In 1791 he owned Lots 13 and 14, Concession 6 but later he sold them. because turning a forest into a farm is not an easy job plus it was dangerous and painstaking so he just sold them off. the reason i chose this picture was because turning a forest into a farm like in the picture is not an easy job .......
  • The return

    The return
    In 1806 the governor removed pioners name from the loyalists . and in 1812 the Americans got mad at the british again and tried to invade canada at that point of time pioners was 68 years old he fought in the war but wasnt allowed to lead because he was black. In 1815 The Americans won the last battle. The reason i chose this picture was because the war was over and there was peace now..........
  • The request

    In 1821 pierpoint requested a ticket back to his home land back to africa but the government send him back to Niagra on the Lake where he built his cabin it took him four years........

    He died in 1837 in canada at the age of 81 and he will be remembered as a hero in the history.