Ricardo's Amazing Journey

  • Diver Encounter

    Ricardo encounters a mysterious creature which inspires him to find out more about them.
  • Dolphin Get-Together

    Ricardo meets some dolphins on his journey and inquires about the surface whales. He gets a confusing answer.
  • Meeting the Great Whale

    Ricardo hears a song beckoning him to the deep waters to get his answers to his questions of the surface whales. The Great Whale paints a better picture of everything that is going on than the dolphins.
  • Harpoon Encounter

    Ricardo sees what exactly surface whales are capable of when he almost gets killed by whalers.
  • Sperm Whale Hangout

    Ricardo finds a group of Sperm Whales and has a good time swimming, eating, diving, jumping, and doing what whales do best with his new buddies.
  • The Lonely Plunge

    Ricardo finds himself close to the ice at the end of the world and takes a plunge to find warmth. He discovers that nothing is there, not even krill. He heads west towards the sun in hopes of finding his pod.
  • Ricardo Finds His Pod

    Ricardo finds his pod and is happy to be back. He reflects on his journey and the lessons it has taught him.