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Relief, Recovery and Reform

  • Federal Deposit Insurance Commission (FDIC)

    Federal Deposit Insurance Commission (FDIC)
    The Glass-Steagall Act created the FDIC. This program is used to provide government insurance for bank deposits. This was a great program because it increased the peoples confidence in America's many banking systems. Still today, it eases people of the fear for bank failures.
  • Emergency Banking Relief Act

    Emergency Banking Relief Act
    Roosevelt passed this act in first week of office. This act states that federal examiners need to survey/examine the nation's banks as well as give treasury Department licenses to the people who were financially sound. This act also help save/end the banking crisis. People began trusting their banks again and depositing money...this was one way to help America get out of its trench and build a brighter future.
  • Farm Credit Administration (FCA)

    Farm Credit Administration (FCA)
    This program really saved farmers. It helped them refinance their mortgages and eventually save farms from foreclosure. While this program was not as beneficial towards the business side of America, it helped many desperate people keep their land. It is a dependable source of credit for the agricultural region of America!!
  • Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)

    Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)
    This program was created to regulate the stock market and prevent any potential fraud. It contributes to the high standards of living we have today. Also, it was used to help during the Great Depression and is still used today so we do not experience another. SEC would not have been able to succeed, however, without the Securities Act of 1933.
  • Federal Housing Authority

    Federal Housing Authority
    The Federal Housing Authority is a program that has been helping many Americans for years. It is a way for families to achieve homeownership, therefore giving stability to the US housing market. In very bad situation similar to The Great Depression, this program still keeps money flowing into the market. So obviously this was/is very beneficial.
  • National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

    National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
    The NLRB held factory elections by the use of secret ballots. This was done to see if workers wanted a union. This program also had the power to investigate all employees and stop any unfair practices/actions. Unions are a necessary part of the workforce, and so is making sure workers are being safe and fair. This is why this program was good and effective then and now.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    The Social Security Act provides financial security for the American people who are older, unemployed or many other reasons. This is a program that gave people a sense of peace in the past, but also in the present.
  • Working Progress Administration (WPA)

    Working Progress Administration (WPA)
    WPA helped America get back up on its feet, improve/heal, and create a foundation for a better tomorrow (today). This program employed so many people, as well as created many roadways, public buildings, airports, bridges and parks. As said, the WPA helped America during a very rough time. Without it, we may not be the same today.