Reconstruction of Georgia >w<

  • 13th Admendment Ratified

    13th Admendment Ratified
    After Lincoln was assassinated, Vce President Andrew Jackson became President. He wanted Southerners to return to the Union. He made the 13th Admendment which outlawed slavery.
  • Freedmen's Bureau

    Freedmen's Bureau
    Freedmen's Bureau was made to aid the recently freed slaves in the South after the Civil War. It was vetoed by president Andrew Jackson. It caused a problem between Jackson and the Republican Congress over Reconstruction.
  • Period: to

    Reconstruction of Georgia >w<

    Answer this question:"What is reconstruction?"
  • Appomattox

    Lee met up with Grant at the Appomattox Court House. The South surrendered. The confederate troops would not be tried for treason.
  • Abraham Lincoln Assassinated

    Abraham Lincoln Assassinated
    Lincoln and his wife attended at a theatre. John Wilkes Booth decided to assassinate Lincoln. Lincoln tried to escape but ended up getting shot in the head.
  • Georgia Readmitted to the Union

    Georgia Readmitted to the Union
    Georgia was readmitted to the Union 1868 but was expelled on 1869. It was one of the last states to be readmitted. Georgia was under military rule during this time.
  • 14th Admendment Ratified

    14th Admendment Ratified
    The 14th Admendment was ratified on July 9, 1868. It granted citizenship to everyone that was born in the United States. It has been rejected by most Southerners but was still ratified.
  • Henry McNeal Turner elected to Senate

    Henry McNeal Turner elected to Senate
    Henry McNeal Turner was a pioneering church organizer. He made hundreds of churched and at the same time he helped form the Georgia Republican Party. He was then elected state representative for Georgia.
  • 15th Admendment Ratified

    15th Admendment Ratified
    Republicans wanted the 15th Admendment Ratified to obtain the vote of freed slaves. All male citizens of the United States get to vote freely. It even let black people vote!
  • Election of Rutherford B. Hayes

    Election of Rutherford B. Hayes
    By 1875s, the Republican Party was in trouble- there was a severe economic depression going on. Ohio Republicans voted for Rutherford to fix the problem. Rutherford won!!!