Reconstruction 1865-1877

  • The Freedman's Bureau

    The Freedman's Bureau
    The Freedmen's Bureau was a federal agency established on March 3, 1865 just before the end of the Civil War, during the Reconstruction Era.
    ● The regulation of conditions of freedmen (black) labor
    ● The administration of justice in cases concerning the black freedmen
    ● The management of abandoned and confiscated property including the redistribution of 'abandoned' lands to former slaves
  • President Lincoln is assassinated

    President Lincoln is assassinated
    John Wilkes Booth is the man who assassinated Abraham Lincoln. He killed Abraham Lincoln by shooting him in the back of the head with a gun at the theater. After the presidents assassination another president was elected named Andrew Johnson
  • The thirteen amendment is passed

    The thirteen amendment is passed
    The 13th amendment was and amendment to abolish all slavery in all of america through out all of the states.
  • Civil rights act of 1866

    Civil rights act of 1866
    What the civil right act did for american citizens is it gave them privilege cause they were born in america and they gained right just for that very reason. No matter the race or even the color if they were born in america then they automatically get citizenship.
  • Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan
    The ku lux Klan was racist group who would terrorize the African american community by killing them or burning there homes down. These Klan's would do so much more to them they would torture them and kidnap them from there families.
  • Military Reconstruction acts

    Military Reconstruction acts
    They passed this act because they wanted to punish the south. They also wanted to prevent the ruling class from continuing in power.
  • Andrew Jackson impeachment

    Andrew Jackson impeachment
    He was impeached because he violated an act of office. He also was not being impeached and was kept in office all because of one vote.
  • election of elysses s grant

    election of elysses s grant
    What caused him to be marked with scandals was because he was more of a military kind of president and he also he gave African Americans the right to end public separation also known as segregation.
  • 14th amendment

    14th amendment
    This amendment was a n amendment that gave united states citizens benefits and granted them citizenship.
  • 15th amendment

    15th amendment
    The 15th amendment was a amendment to let all american citizens vote no matter color or race.
  • Reconstruction ends

    Reconstruction ends
    reconstruction was and agreement that was settled between the republicans and the southern democrats about the election.