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Racial and Economical Changes in America from 1865-1920(KS)

  • The 13th Amendment

    The 13th Amendment
    President Lincoln worked along with several Republicans to abolish slavery for good. Several of the Republic wanted to the South to suffer thus hindering their main source of income through plantation slaves.
  • The Civils Right Act of 1866

    The Civils Right Act of 1866
    The Civil Rights Act of 1866 upheld The 13th Amendment . Even after the 13th Amendment went into the effect. African Americans particular in the South still were not concerned citizen for the most post. This law went into effect mandating that every person born here in America was a citizen.
  • The Muckrakers of 1890

    The Muckrakers of 1890
    The Muckrakers revealed to America the real issues in the urban / inner cities. The started the Progressive Movement Era
  • The Keaton Child Labor Act

    The Keaton Child Labor Act
    With the realization that children were working in factories in 1900's The NCLC Act prohibited any factory from allowing children to work.
  • Prohibition

    Thanks to the anti- German sentient Prohibition was easily passed . This was law aimed at making alcohol illegal mainly the brewers were ran German immigrants.
  • Woman's Sufferage

    Woman's Sufferage
    Finally Women were able to vote legally in the United Sates. Just like with Prohibition they believed the woman voters could help off set the male German citizens that were allowed to vote in the United States