Presidents 1976-2012

By gv17985
  • Period: to

    1976-2012 Presidents

  • U.S takes inflation

    U.S takes inflation
    America takes on inflation. All the prices go up in America.
  • Iranian Hostage crisis

    Iranian Hostage crisis
    Iran hostage crisis. 52 American hostages were captured at the American embassy and held for over a year.
  • Reagan Assasination attempt

    Reagan Assasination attempt
    Reagon was almost killed. He broke the 20 year death curse for all Presidents starting with Abraham Lincoln.
  • AID's Disease Spreads

    AID's Disease Spreads
    AID's disease had been spreading around. rumors got to the point were people said that having sex was unsafe and you shouldn't do it.
  • Star Wars (SDI)

    Star Wars (SDI)
    President Reagon came up with an idea to put an American satelite defense system against Nucklear missles heading to America.
  • Challenger Tragedy

    Challenger Tragedy
    A spaceship that was carrying american astronuts exploded while it was on it's way to space
  • Berlin Wall Falls

    Berlin Wall Falls
    The Berlin Wall falls. Which was a symbol of seperation between communism and non-communism.
    George H.W. Bush Presidency.
  • Gulf War

    Gulf War
    America goes to war.
  • Clinton Gate

    Clinton Gate
    Was accused of having three affairs with interns at the white house. And was later proven to have had sexual intercourse with those women.
  • Clinton impeachment

    Clinton impeachment
    Was almost impeached out of his Presidency. Was impeached by the house of representitives and was almost impeached by the seneate but was not and remained President.
  • Peace Keepers

    Peace Keepers
    Clinton puts U.S troops into Kosovo+Bosnia
  • George W. Bush

    George W. Bush
    George W. Bush Elected President. Closest Presidental race. Re-count.
  • Terrorist Strike

    Terrorist Strike
    New York World Trade center attacked by two airplanes that crashed into it.
  • Black President

    Black President
    First Black President.
  • Bin Laden Killed

    Bin Laden Killed
    Osama Bin Laden mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks on the world trade center.