

  • barak obama

    barak obama
    barak obamaBarak obama was elected the first black president after defeating Jhon Mccain.
  • economic stimulus bill

    economic stimulus bill
    Signed $787 billion economic bill into law!
  • Nobel peace

    Barack obama won the nobel Peace Prize
  • union speech

    union speech
    delivered his first union speech
  • patent protection

    patent protection
    signed obama care into law!
  • 100 day

    100 day
    Delivered his 100 day speech
  • Supreme Court

    Supreme Court
    Elected Elena Kagan to the united states supreme court
  • compromise tax plan

    without the democratic help obama signed compromise tax plan extending george bush tax cuts
  • Re- election

    put in his bid for re-elction
  • barack obama

    barack obama
    Barach obama won re-elction aginst Mitt Romney