Presidential timeline

By KZundel
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    George Washington

    He was the first persident he was in a independent party.
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    John Adams

    His party was federalist.
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    Thomas Jefferson

    His party was dem-rep.
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    James Madison

    His party was Dem-Rep.
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    James Monroe

    His party was Dem-Rep
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    John Q. Adams

    His party was Dem-Rep
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    Andrew Jackson

    His party was democrat and the first to be associated with the donkey as their symbol.
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    Martin Van Buren

    His party was democrat
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    William H. Harrison

    Was a part of the whig party.
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    John Tyler

    He was a part of the democrat party.
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    James K. Polk

    He was a part of the democrat party.
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    Zachary Taylor

    He was a part of the Whig party.
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    Millard Fillmore

    He was part of the Whig party.
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    Frankline Pierce

    He was apart of the Democratic party this was the year that the donkey was dressed in lion's clothing to scare away all of the animals in the zoo. This included a elephant which was adopted and used by the republicans in 1857.
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    James Buchana

    He was a part of the democatic party.
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    Abraham Lincoln

    He was the first Republican in office.
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    Andrew Johnson

    He was a part of the democatic party.
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    Ulysses S. Grant

    He was in the Republican party,
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    Rutherford B. Hayes

    He was in the Republican party.
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    James A. Garfield

    He was in the Republican party he died the same year he was elected.
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    Chester A. Arthur

    He was in the Republican party.
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    Grover Cleveland

    He was a part of the democratic party,
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    Benjamin Harrison

    He is a part of the Republican party.
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    Grover Cleveland

    He is a part of the democratic party.
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    William McKinley

    He was a part of the Rebuplican party.
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    Theodore Roosevelt

    He was a part of the Republican party.
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    William Howard Taft

    He was a part of the Rebuplican party.
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    Woodrow Wilson

    He was a part of the democratic party.
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    Warren G. Harding

    He was a part of the Republican party..
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    Calvin Coolidge

    He was a Republican
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    Herbert Hoover

    He was of the Republican party.
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    Franklin D. Roosevelt

    He was a part of the democatic party.
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    Harry S. Truman

    He was in the Democatic party.
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    Dwight D. Eisenhower

    He was a part of the Republican party.
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    John F. Kennedy

    He was a part of the Democratic party.
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    Lyndon B. Johnson

    He was a part of the Democratic party.
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    Richard Nixon

    He was a Rebulican.
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    Gerald Ford

    He was a part of the Republican party.
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    Jimmy Carter

    He was a part of the Democratic party.
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    Ronald Reagan

    He was a part of the Republican party.
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    George H. W. Bush

    He was a party of the Republican party.
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    Bill Clinton

    He was the first president to be impeached from office for having relations with a woman in the office he is also a democrat.
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    George W. Bush

    He was a part of the Republican party.
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    Barack Obama

    He is the first black president he is also a nonamerican citizen oh and hes a democrat.