
By Dav45
  • Lao Tzu

    Lao Tzu 6th Century BCE
    Lao Tzu lived in the 6th century BCE and wrote the Tao Te Ching, Which explains a " Natural, Universal known as the Tao" Lao Tzu sayed " the morse laws onemakes. the more criminals one creates" in Contrast to Confucius theory that more laws make better people. Lao created Taoism which teachs a natural force that controls the universe.
  • Confucius

    Confucius was born 551 BC in China. He thought that loving others was the most important part of social life. He said " What you do not with for yourself, do not do ro others." He had " Six Arts", archery, caligraphy,computation,music, chariot-driving anf ritual. He is seen as one of the most important Chinese teachers.
  • Socrates

    <a href='' ></a>470 BCE-399BCE
    Socrates was born in Athens, Greece in arounf 470 BCE. Belived that society should practice philosophy for the good of all. Said that Ultimate wisdon comes from knowing oneself. Started the fundamentals of Western philospohy. Taught plato and Aristole
  • Plato

    Plato was born in 428/427 BCE Plato was taught by Socrates. Said that eariler philosophers were wrong saying that they were not in tune with entites which he called forms. Some forms are justice, beaury, and equality. He also focued all lot of work on aesthetics, politcal philosophy,theology,cosmology,epistemology, and language philosohpy. He also taught Aristotle.
  • Aristotle

    Aristotle was born around 384 BCE. When he was seventeen he went to study at Plato's school. He did not always agree with what Plato's thought to be true or right. Arstotle was excellent at Marine biology. He even defined the water cycle/identified it. He thought that human behavior was based on society and goverment. He died in 322 BC
  • Epicurus

    Epicurus was born on the island of Samos in the year 341 BC. Epicurus helped create the process of the scientific method. He used direct observation and logical deduction in his methods. He also belived that God did not punish bad people or reward the good people. He also said " Death is nothing to us" saying that we should not fear it.
  • Plotinus
    Plotinus was born in 204 or 205 CE. Thought as the founder of Neoplatonism. Plotinius was born in Egypt. He had three basic fundamentals of metaphysics good, intellect, and soul. He also thought to " deny the necessity of evil, is to deny the necessity of the good." Thought that life was quote " axis of good and evil."
  • Alciun
    Alciun was norn in 732 A.D in England. He helped bring "Anglo-Saxon humanism to Europe. He helped influence Roman Catholicism in western Europe. He meet Charlemagne, and wrote books on education. His view on life I think was to inform others on religous topics.
  • Cheng YI, EBchecked/topic/338534/li
    Cheng YI was born in 1033 in China. He thought that life was centered arounf the process of investagation. He focused his life also on exploring the theory of li. Which is a force that governs good social communication and acts. He also had a borther named Cheng Hao who was also a philosopher.
  • Niccolo Machiavelli
    Niccolo Machiaveli was born in Florence on May, 3 1469 and died in 1527. Machaveli wrote The Prince. This book outlined his thoughts and theories. He thought that the evil acts of a ruler were based soley on the evil acts of the people that the ruler controled. This book was also condemed by Pope Clement VIII. He also wrote other books, but The Prince is the most famous one that he wrote. He life meaning is that people should not question the ruler.
  • Immanuel Kant Immanuel Kant was born in 1724 and died in 1804. Immanuel Kant is thought to be a huge player in the development of modern philosophy. He thought that life meaning learning and improving the way that we dealy with experience. He wrote three "critiques. The Critique of Pure Reason, The Critique of Practical REason, and the Critique of the Power of Judgement.
  • John Dalton

    Life purpose to him was science. He came up with three principles on atomic theory. One " all matter is composed of extremelty small. indivisible, and indestructilbe particles called atoms. Two. " all atoms of one element are are all exactly alike.... but are different from the atom of every other element, and that when elements combine to form compunds their atoms combine in simple numericial proportions.
  • Jacques Derrida
    Jacques DErrida was born in 1930 in French Algeria and died in 2004 in France. He was the original founder of " deconstruction" he was very critcal of philosophical ideals as well as politcial institutionns. He was very popular throughtout his life. The meaning of life to him was going aganist the norn or perceived just to be true theories.
  • B.F Skinner
    Skinner was born in 1904. He studied anmal behaviov. He also wrote a book in it he grew unpopular for " implying that humans had no free will or individual consciousness. He also countered this book by writing one more in 1974 to take back and explain what he had said in this first book. His life purpose was to research pyscholog.
  • Saul Kripke
    Kripke was born on November 13, 1940. His work focuses on logical thinking, he is famous for Naming and Necessity which was Published in 1980. He has been ranked in the top ten of all Philsophers in the last two hundred years. Life to him is teaching others about Philosophy.