Personal Timeline (Justina P)

  • Born

    Born in Hutchinson Kansas
  • Facebook is launched

    The social networking website Facebook was launched changing the way people could communicate.
  • Obama is elected president

    Barack Obama was elected the forty-fourth President of the United States. He is the first African American president changing the way people might view race.
  • Michael Jackson dies

    Pop icon Michael Jackson died. Michael Jackson was one of the most famous singers in the U.S.
  • Sandy Hook Shooting

    The shooting Occurs in Newtown, Connecticut killing 20 Children and 6 Staff Members in Sandy Hook Elementary School, perpetrated by a 20 Year Old, Adam Lanza. This event effects everyone around the country which also results in higher safety and more drills in schools.
  • Boston Marathon bombing

    Two pressure cooker bombs explode during the Boston Marathon. Shaking the country, this event was like putting salt in a wound after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary.
  • World trade center opens

    New building, 1 World Trade Center, opens in New York City. Showing us the ability for the U.S. to bounce back from such a tragic event.
  • Trump becomes president

    Donald Trump wins the 2016 presidential election, and becomes the forty-fifth president of the United States. Trump was in a tight competition and won the election against Hillary Clinton.