
  • king acrisius

    wants to know if he will have a son he goes to dephi to the oracle the tell him he will have no son. but his grandson will kill you
  • danae becomes pregnet when traped by acrisius

    he then locks his daughter ina bronze room where zues inpregants her without her consent.
  • he find the child of his daughter

    he find that his daughter had her son perseus then. since he cant kill them he locks them in a chest and sets them to float on the sea.
  • dictys discovers them

    after floatling on the sea or awhile the float on to land where dictys a fisherman finds them. he then brings them home to take care of them with his kind wife. he is the prince of the island but his brother rules the island.
  • polydectus falls for danae

    he wants her to marry him so but he does not want perseus in the picture so he sets up this party for he wants to marry his mom so everyone incudeing perseus comes with a gift as is custom. persues with his pride in not bringing a gift is short he then agrees to bring back the gorgons head for the kings wedding gift which the plan that he has to get rid of perseus. because when looked upon people turn to stone by the gorgon.
  • the start of the quest

    two great gods watched over him he started out on his quest to see the oracle on where he should go she told him to go to dondona where the oaks talkedand told of zeus's will. he then went their and the trees told him that he had the protection of the gods. but they did not know where the gorgons lived.
  • hermes and athena and the grey women.

    soon he has the help of hermes which directs perseus to the nypmphs in the north they are called the grey women they all share one eye which the pass along as custom. he was to stay hidden from them until the passed the eye at which point he was told to take the eye and not return it until he was told how to get to the nymphs of the north.
  • gifts from hermes /athena

    hermes gave him a sword that would not break when he cut off medusa's head. athena gave perseus a polished bronze sword which he would look into when he would attack medusa
  • grey women

    he then did as was insructions and was given full directions to the nymph's. where from thier he then sailed
  • last gifts/ feast

    he then went to feast with the hyperboran's where he got three last gifts along with the sword and sheild he had. he got a wallet that became biger for what ever you carryed and winged sandals. and a cap that makes the wearer invisble.
  • the gorgons

    the finally were ready for the gorgons they then flew across the ocean to the island of the terrible sisters. when the reached the place they found them alseep. he was then able to see them clearly from the sheild both athena and hermes told them which one was medusa. because this was important because she alone could only be killed the other two were immortal. so as perseus on his winged sandels hovered above them looking only through his sheild he aimed the stroke down at medusa's throat with
  • the gorgons contined

    with athenas help he never looked at her only through the sheild he droped it in the wallet that closed around it. the gorgons other sisters wake to find her dead the try to find the one that did it but with the help of the cap they can not find him.
  • his return

    he then returns back to ethiopia alinghted by this point hermes has left so he is on his own when he finds this girl that is supose to be eaten by this sea serpent her name is andromeda. he falls for her then kills the sea serpent then marry's her with the parrent permission. which how can you fall for some on that quicky she was to be eaten by a sea snake for all you know she is not a nicce person their are reasons for some things.
  • turning the king to stone

    he takes the girl with him then trys to find his mom and dictys but they had had to flee from poldectus when danae refused to marry him and dictys wive had pasted away. he comes to find out that the had taken refuge in a temple. perseus got mad abou this and turned the king and his friends when he learned of the party that was to be had for the king to stone with medusa's head. then makeing dicty's the king.
  • returning to find his grandfather

    after dicty's was made king perseus his mother and his wife returned to find their grandfather. to see if things had change over the time that has pasted to find that the king was not their but perseus saw that another king of larissa had a atheletic contest he journeyed to join in on it in the discus throwing contest he went then accideitly killed his grandfather when it went into the crowd where he was visting the king of the area and the profect of long ago came true.
  • perseus and andromeda lived happily ever after

    they had a son named electryon the grandfather of hercules. and medusa's head was given to athena who bore in on the aegis= zeus's sheild that she carried for him.