Period 6

  • Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

    The heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife were shot dead in Sarajevo. It was done by Gavrilo Princip, one of a group of six assassins. This terrorist attack is what lead to the start of World War 1.
  • Japan makes Twenty-one Demands on China

    These were a set of demands made during the First World War.They were made by the Empire of Japan under Prime Minister Ōkuma Shigenobu. It was created to weaken the government of the Republic of China.
  • Gallipoli campaign

    This was also known as the Dardanelles Campaign. It was a World War I campaign that took place in the Ottoman Empire. It provided a sea route to Russia. It lead to the Ottoman Empire being attacked and falling.
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    This was a seizure of state power instrumental during the Russian Revolution. It is also known as the October Revolution. This was when a group of Socialist, the Bolsheviks got control of the U.S.S.R. It led to the start of communism.
  • German resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare

    This was when Germany tried to use submarine warfare against enemies. Germany had already tried this type of attack but it was unsuccseffully. They attempted it again two years later (this account) after it had been restricted, and it still was unsuccessful.
  • Civil war in Russia

    This was a multi-party war in the U.S.S.R. It fought between the Bolshevik Red Army and the White Army. The Bolsheviks ended up winning and earning their power as a result.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    This was a peace treaty signed on between the new Bolshevik government of Russia and the Central Powers. It took 2 months of negotiation. It ended Russia's participation in World War I.
  • Paris Peace Conference

    This was the meeting of the Allied victors, following the end of World War I . They were there to set the peace terms for the defeated Central Powers. More than 32 countries and nationalities attended.
  • Mussolini launches fascist movement in Italy

    The fascist party had been evolving from socialism. It was Mussolini who had the first country to become fascist, Italy. This eventually lead places like Germany ot become fascist.
  • May Fourth Movement in China

    This was an anti-imperialist, cultural, and political movement. It was lead by student demonstrations in Beijing. They were protesting the Chinese government's weak response to the Treaty of Versailles. Especially allowing Japan to receive territories in Shandong
  • First meeting of the League of Nations

    The League of Nations came together during World War 1. It's goal was to stop and prevent any more wars. (It failed bc WW2 happened.) The first meeting was held in Geneva.
  • Lenin's New Economic Policy

    This was a set of reforms in the Soviet Union after WW1. They were brought on by the leader, Vladimir Lenin. It brought on reforms about food, money, taxes, etc.
  • Ataturk proclaims Republic of Turkey

    There were a set of reforms in the area of Turkey. They were conducted by Ataturk, the leader at the time. They eventually led to be the Republic of Turkey. It was formerly apart of the Ottoman Empire.
  • First Soviet Five-Year Plan

    This was a list of economic goals for the Soviet Union. It was created by Joseph Stalin. He based it off his policy of Socialism in One Country. It consisted many reforms, a lot involving farming. It led to Socialism.
  • US stock market crash

    This was the stock market crash that caused the Great Depression. It crashed due to drastic sellings of stocks, and many other things. This was the highest unemployment rate that we have ever seen. It put nearly the whole world in a depression until really WW2.
  • Invasion of China by Japan

    Japa invaded Manchuria immediately after. the Mukden Incident. The Japanese established this as a puppet state.They called it Manchukuo. They had power until the end of World War II.
  • Japanese invasion of Manchuria

    Japa invaded Manchuria immediately after. the Mukden Incident. The Japanese established this as a puppet state.They called it Manchukuo. They had power until the end of World War II.
  • Hitler is ruler in Germany

    Hitler started of as an army general in WW1. From there he want on to join the Nazi Party and eventually become the leader. After gaining support from civilians he became Chancellor. After being Chancellor he worked his way up to being the leader with support from nearly the whole country.
  • Long March by Chinese Communists

    This was a military retreat undertaken by the Red Army of the Communist Party of China. It was to evade the pursuit of the Kuomintang army. There was not one Long March, but a series of marches,
  • Stalin's "Great Purge" in USSR

    This was a campaign of political repression in the Soviet Union. It was lead by Joseph Stalin. It involved a large-scale purge of the Communist Party and government officials, repression of peasants and the Red Army leadership, and widespread police surveillance, suspicion of "saboteurs", imprisonment, and arbitrary executions.
  • Sandino is murdered in Nicaragua

    He was with six other men leaving a building. As they were leaving some men f=came up to their car and forced them out. They then took them and executed them.
  • German Auschluss with Austria

    This was when German troops march into Austria to annex the German-speaking nation. It happened for the Third Reich. This was the second attempt of a Nazi attack in four years.
  • Cardenas nationalizes oil industry in Mexico

    President Cárdenas embarked on the expropriation of all oil resources and facilities by the state which nationalized the U.S. and Anglo-Dutch operating companies. He made the announcement on the radio to the rest of the country two hours before informing his cabinet of his decision. A crowd of 100,00 rallied five days later in support of Cárdenas.
  • Invasion of Poland by Germany

    One thing Hitler had down before the invasion was create a non violent pact with Polland. That was obviously broken when the Nazis invaded Polad in 1939. The Polish were eaily defeated.
  • German invasion of USSR

    The code name was Operation Barbarossa for this mission. It had about four million soldiers of the Axis powers. It is still the largest invasion in the history of warfare. It was lead by Adolf Hitler.
  • Soviet victory at Stalingrad

    This was a huge war during WW2. The Nazis went to invade the Soviet Union, since conquering them was their goal. It led to Stalingrad winning, which was very surprising.
  • D-Day, Allied invasion at Normandy

    This was the landing operations of the Allied invasion of Normandy during World War II. Basically this was a hug operation of invasion done by the allies of the U.S., U.K., Canada, etc. They sent in many troops and weapons. The goal was to discract Hitler from another invasion that was going on.
  • Capture of Berlin by Soviet forces

    This started out as a Strategic Offensive Operation by the Soviet Union. It ended up being the final major offensive of the European Theatre of World War II. During it Russia was able to capture Berlin and use it against Western Powers.
  • Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagaski

    This occured in Japan. It was conducted by the United States during the final stages of World War II. The two bombings were the first and remain the only use of nuclear weapons in wartime. There was a total of 150,000–246,000+ killed.
  • Establishment of United Nation

    This is an intergovernmental organization to promote international co-operation. It was a replacement for the League of Nations. It was created after the Second World War to prevent another conflict. At its founding, the UN had 51 countries.
  • Partition of India

    The British had had India asa a colony for many years when this happened. This was when India began to get angry with the British. Britain had promised India tings if they helped in WW2, and they didn't go through with those promises.
  • Apartheid in South Africa

    Apartheid was developed after World War 2. It was a system of racial segregation in South Africa enforced through legislation by the National Party governments. The rights of the majority black inhabitants were cut off.
  • Arab-Israeli War

    This war was fought between the State of Israel and a military coalition of Arab states and Palestinian Arab forces. This war was the second stage, known in Arabic as al-Nakba. There had been conflict between the Arabs and the Jews ever since the 1917.
  • Creation of Israel

    The area of Isreal was apart of the Ottoman Empire. After the Ottoman fell in World War 1 many places broke into tiny states. Isreal was one of these places. They were a primarily Jewish State.
  • Division of Berlin and German

    This was one of the first major international crises of the Cold War. The Soviet Union blocked all resources away from the Western part of Berlin. The goal was that the Soviet Union would eventually gain control there.
  • Establishment of People's Republic of China

    This was when China turned to Communism. The CPC had already been around for a long time but this is when they rose to power. The leader was Mao Zheng, who was a terrible man.
  • Establishment of NATO

    The official name is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It was an alliance between Western powers such as the U.S., the U.K., France, Canada, etc. They were against the alliance, the Warsaw Pact.
  • Korean War

    After WW2, communism started flourishing. Korea was put under pressure by the U.S.S.R. to become communist. They ended up having a civil war in which many other countries got involved. It ended with Korea having two parts... North (communist) and South (republic).
  • Algerian war of liberation

    This was a war between France and the Algerian for independence. It led to Algeria gaining its independence from France. This was an important decolonization war. It was a complex conflict characterized by guerrilla warfare.
  • French defeat at Dien Bien Phu

    The Battle of Dien Bien Phu was the confrontation between the French Union's French Far East Expeditionary Corps and Viet Minh communist-nationalist revolutionaries. The battle culminated in a comprehensive French defeat. It influenced negotiations over the future of Indochina.
  • Establishment of Warsaw Pact

    This was another alliance created at the start of the Cold War. It consisted of the U.S.S.R., Germany, Japan, etc. They were completely against the NATO Western Alliance.
  • Uprising in Hungary

    This was a spontaneous nationwide revolt against the government of the Hungarian People's Republic and its Soviet-imposed policies, It was the first major threat to Soviet control since the USSR's forces drove out the Nazis at the end of World War II.
  • Suez crisis

    This was a diplomatic and military confrontation. It had Egypt on one side Egypt and Britain, France and Israel on the other. The United States, the Soviet Union, and the United Nations played major roles in forcing Britain, France and Israel to withdraw.
  • Great leap forward in China

    This was an economic and social campaign by the Communist Party of China.It was led by Mao Zedong. The goal was to rapidly transform the country from an agrarian economy into a communist society through rapid industrialization and collectivization.
  • Castro comes to power in Cuba

    Fidel Castro Fidel Castro overthrew the government of Cuba. The U.S. government and the American public in general welcomed Castro's rise to power. This later backfired when he turned Cuba communist. He is the reason the Cuban Missile Crisis occured and that we even now don't have a good relationship with Cuba.
  • Sino-Soviet rift

    This was the worsening of political and ideological relations between the People's Republic of China and the USSR. When communism first came about they were close. Then China started doing things the USSR didn't like and vise versa. That is how the Sino-Soviet Rift occurred.
  • Construction of Berlin Wall

    This was a barrier constructed by the German Democratic Republic. It completely cut off West Berlin from East Germany and from East Berlin. This was due to the conflict between the Western powers and the U.S.S.R.
  • Creation of PLO

    The formal name is the Palestine Liberation Organization. It was an organization founded with the purpose of creating an independent State of Palestine. It is recognized as the "sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people" by over 100 states.
  • US troops in Vietnam

    Also known as the Vietnam War. This occurred during the Cold War. It had to deal with Vietnam becoming communist and the USSR and Chinese influences. America was not fond of them so they decided to start sending troops over.
  • Revolution in Iran

    This was the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty under Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. He was supported by the United States. It was eventually replaced with an Islamic republic under the Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. He was the leader of the revolution.
  • Iran-Iraq war

    This was also known as the First Persian Gulf War. It was aconflict between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Iraq. It was the 20th century's longest conventional war.
  • Soviet withdrawl from Afghanistan

    This was when the Soviets finally backed off of Afghanistan. It took a little while but it happened evetuallly. It was lead by Colonel-General Boris Gromov . He was the last Soviet general officer to walk from Afghanistan back into Soviet territory through the Afghan-Uzbek Bridge.
  • Reunification of Germany

    This was the process in which the German Democratic Republic joined the Federal Republic of Germany. This was to form the reunited nation of Germany ot the German Unity. This was also when Berlin reunited into a single city.
  • Persian Gulf War

    This was a war waged by 34 nations led by the United States against Iraq. It was in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait.This further led to the Irag war in the 21st century.
  • Collapse of USSR

    The U.S.S.R. had been on the breaking point for a while. Eventually, the economy fell due to the Communist Party that had been in office many many years. The general population was happy that this happened since their lives had gotten so bad due to Communism and the leaders.
  • Transfer of British Hong Kong to China

    This is referred to as "the Handover" internationally or "the Return" in China. It marked the end of British rule in Hong Kong. The British had ruled over it for most of the 20th century.
  • Civil disobedience movement in India

    This is the active, professed refusal to obey certain laws, demands, and commands of a government, or of an occupying international power. It is commonly known as nonviolent resistance. The leader of this in India was Ghandi. He wanted India to become independent again.