By 35708
  • Exposition: Setting

    The setting of the story is the Klondike. It is described as a freezing January day with frost sixty degrees below zero.
  • Exposition: Characterization

    Tom Vincent is a handsome, big boned and big muscled man. He has confidence in his strength and his abilities.
  • Rising Action: Tom leaves Calumet camp

    Tom leaves Calumet camp with a light back pack. His goal is to go up to a divide between Paul and Cherry Creek, where his party is hunting moose.
  • Rising Action

    Tom is returning from Dawson to bring cheery letters back from the states. It is extremely cold as he travels down the trail. He covers about 15 miles and then sits down and has lunch.
  • Rising Action: Tom attempts to get warm

    Tom begins to run briskly up and down the trail in an attempt to warm himself. He then began to walk at a steady pace and ate biscuits along the way.
  • Rising Action: Tom approaches a creek

    After an hour, Tom comes across a bend that runs along the side of the mountain. The creek was frozen and looked safe enough for Tom to cross.
  • Climax

    While Tom was on his way home, he fell through some ice into freezing cold water.
  • Falling Action

    Tom climbs out of the water and makes a fire. Snow falls all over Tom and blots out his fire. He realizes that he is not as strong as he previously believed. He is now fighting for his life against the elements. He is desperately trying to start another fire, but he still can't feel his hands. He is very scared.
  • Falling Action: Tom struggles to feel his hands

    Tom takes off his mittens in order to strike a match and rebuild his fire. Very soon after he removes his mittens, his hands become numb and he has to bang them against a tree.
  • Resolution

    Tom finally makes it home.