p2 Sarah, lexxie, jack

  • Supreme Court Ruled that Every State had to offer equal educstional opportunities

  • Committee on Civil Rights

    The committee supported desegregating the armed forces.
  • Truman Ends Segregation in the Military

  • Sweatt v. Painter

    Supreme Court ruled that the new school did not provide African Americans with access to equal academic prestige, facilities, or instructors.
  • NAACP decided to focus on legal efforts on ending segregation in public schools

  • Brown: Segregation was illegal

    The Supreme Court ruled in the Brown case that segregaion in public schools was illegal
  • Court made ruling stronger.

    Ordered all public scools to desegregate "with all deliberate speed."
  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on a bus.

  • Supreme Court ruled Montgomery's segregated buses illegal

  • Daisy Bates organizes the rides to high school for the students.

  • Period: to

    Governor Faubus continues to fight intergregation.

    He even closed Little Rock publics schools during the school year. They re-opened n 1959.
  • University of Mississippi accepts its first African American student

    Supreme Court forces University of Mississipi to accept James Meredith
  • James Meredith attends his first class at University of Mississippi