Owen Chan

By owencpt
  • Borned

    I was borned in singapore. I chose this event because i was borned.
  • Dwarf Planet Discovered

    Dwarf Planet Discovered
    A Dwarf planet was discovered. called the Quaoar.But even though it is a small planet it also has a tiny moon called the weywot
  • China launches first space mission with human

    China launches first space mission with human
    The rocket that went into the orbit is called "Shenshou 5 " launched from the jiuquan satellite launch center in the gobi desert
  • Starting Of Olympics

    Starting Of  Olympics
    It was the first them athems, Greece that held the olympics since the year 1896.
  • Ending Of Olympic

    It was the first them athems, Greece that help the olympics since the year 1896.
  • YouTube Was Plublished

    YouTube Was Plublished
    Youtube was a site that allowed anyone to upload videos and watch videos online. It can reach more than 1 billion views everyday and is the 4th most visited site, it was after google,yahoo and facebook.But one thingh that Youtube was missing as it could not prevent people from copyrite
  • Demoted Planet

    Demoted Planet
    The planet pluto was demoted to a dwarf planet.
  • Nicolas Sarkozy

    Nicolas Sarkozy
    Nicolas Sarkozy Was Granted President In France.
  • Olympics

    Beijing holded the olympics.
  • closing of olympics

    Cermony for the olympics
  • Water Found On Moon

    Water Found On Moon
    Astronuaghts was send to the moon and they saw that theere was water on the moon
  • Longest Solar Eclipse

    Longest Solar Eclipse
    There was the longest solar eclipese in the 3rd mellinuem occured in 2013.
  • Japanese Mgnitude

    Japanese Mgnitude
    There was a 9.0 magnitude earth quake that caused also a tsunami that broke the nuclear power station that made a large sorce of nuclear radiation around the whole of japan
  • Olympic In London

    Olympic In London
    The olympic held in London
  • Boston Bombing

    There was a marathon in boston .That caused a few death and there was also a 8 year old kid trying to run for the marathon but becasue of the bombing he died