1800 BCE
The Fall
Adam and Eve eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Sin is introduced. Genesis 3 -
1800 BCE
God creates the world in 6 days, rests on the 7th. God created Adam and Eve. Genesis 1-2 -
Period: 1800 BCE to 1400 BCE
Prehistory (Creation to the Flood)
Creation of the world, the fall of humanity (Adam and Eve), Cain and Abel, the Flood (Noah), Tower of Babel.
Books included: Genesis -
1750 BCE
The Flood
Noah prepares and builds the ark, and the flood destroys everything but the people and animals on the ark. Genesis 6-9 -
1700 BCE
Covenant with Abraham
Confirms his covenant, changed his name from Abram to Abraham. Genesis 15,17 -
1700 BCE
Tower of Babel
Humanity's attempt to build a tower to heaven leads to languages being confused. Genesis 11 -
1700 BCE
Call of Abraham
God promises land and descendants to Abram. Genesis 12 -
1680 BCE
Isaac is born
The promise of Abraham being fulfilled in Isaac.
Genesis 21 -
1500 BCE
Jacob and Esau
Struggle between Isaac’s two sons. Death of Isaac.
Genesis 25-36 -
1400 BCE
Joseph's journey
Joseph a slave in Egypt. From betrayal to power in Egypt. Death of Joseph. Genesis 37-50 -
Period: 1400 BCE to 1200 BCE
Patriarchs (The Calling of Abraham to Joseph in Egypt)
God's covenant with Abraham, the birth of Isaac, Jacob (Israel) and his 12 sons, Joseph's rise to power in Egypt.
Job -
1300 BCE
God's deliverance
Israel suffers in Egypt. Plagues were sent to Egypt onto Pharaoh. God delivers Israel from slavery in Egypt. Moses guides the children of Israel through the Red Sea, God parts it for them. Exodus 12-14
Prominent Figures: Moses -
1290 BCE
Receiving the Law
God gives the Ten Command-ments to Moses.
Exodus 20 -
1250 BCE
God gives laws
God gives many laws to Moses. God speaks to Moses.
Leviticus -
Period: 1250 BCE to 1210 BCE
Wandering in the desert
Israel's 40 years of wandering. Numbers -
Period: 1200 BCE to 1050 BCE
Exodus-Conquest/Judges (The Exodus from Egypt to the Settlement in Canaan)
Exodus from Egypt, giving of the Law at Sinai, wandering in the desert, conquest of Canaan under Joshua, period of the Judges.
Exodus (1400 BCE)
Leviticus (1400 BCE)
Numbers (1400 BCE)
Deuteronomy (1400 BCE)
Joshua (1400–1200 BCE)
Judges (1200–1000 BCE)
Ruth (1200 BCE) -
1100 BCE
Conquest of Canaan
Joshua leads Israel into the Promised Land. Joshua 1-24 -
1050 BCE
Establishment of the Monarchy (1 Samuel 8)
Key Event: Israel demanded a king; Saul was anointed as the first king. Prominent Characters:
Saul: First king of Israel.
Samuel: Prophet who anoints Saul. -
1050 BCE
Period of the Judges
Samson defeats the Philistines. Israel is led by judges before the monarchy. -
Period: 1050 BCE to 580 BCE
Monarchy-Divided Kingdom (United Monarchy to the Fall of Israel and Judah)
The rise and fall of Israel's first three kings (Saul, David, Solomon), the division of the kingdom, the Assyrian conquest of Israel, the Babylonian exile of Judah.
1 Samuel (1050–1000 BCE)
2 Samuel (1000 BCE)
1 Kings (950 BCE)
2 Kings (550 BCE)
1 Chronicles (400 BCE)
2 Chronicles (400 BCE)
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon
Isaiah (700–686 BCE)
Jeremiah (630–580 BCE) -
1035 BCE
David's rise and Saul's decline
David anointed and introduced to Saul. David’s victory over Goliath, David Struggles with Saul, Saul’s final battle (1 Samuel 16-31). -
1010 BCE
Reign of King David
Key Event: David defeats Goliath; and becomes king after Saul's death. (2 Samuel 1-5).
Key Event: David unites the tribes and establishes Jerusalem as the capital. (2 Samuel 5).
Prominent Characters:
David: Second king, known for military conquests and establishing a dynasty.
Jonathan: David's close friend and Saul's son.
Bathsheba: Wife of Uriah, significant in David's story. -
1000 BCE
Saul's reign (1 Samuel 9-31)
1 Samuel (1050–1000 BCE)
Key Figures: Saul, David, Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, Hezekiah, Isaiah, Jeremiah. -
Period: 970 BCE to 930 BCE
Reign of King Solomon
Key Event: Solomon builds the First Temple in Jerusalem. (1 Kings 6).
Key Event: Solomon’s wisdom and wealth, along with his downfall due to idolatry. (1 Kings 3-11).
Prominent Characters:
Solomon: Son of David, known for wisdom and wealth.
Queen of Sheba: Visits Solomon to test his wisdom. -
931 BCE
Division of the Kingdom
Key Event: Following Solomon's death, the kingdom splits into Israel (Northern Kingdom) and Judah (Southern Kingdom). (1 Kings 12).
Prominent Characters:
Rehoboam: Solomon's son; king of Judah.
Jeroboam: Servant of Solomon; becomes king of Israel. -
Period: 931 BCE to 586 BCE
The Period of the Kings (Israel and Judah)
Key Event: Various kings rule over Israel and Judah, many turning to idolatry. (1 Kings 12 - 2 Kings 17).
Prominent Kings of Israel:
Ahab: Reigned circa 874-853 BC.
Jeroboam II: Reigned circa 786-746 BC.
Omri: Reigned circa 876-869 BC.
Prominent Kings of Judah:
Asa: Reigned circa 911-870 BC.
Jehoshaphat: Reigned circa 872-848 BC.
Hezekiah: Reigned circa 715-686 BC. -
Period: 870 BCE to 700 BCE
Prophetic Activity
Key Event: Prophets like Elijah and Elisha confront kings and call the people back to God. (1 Kings 17 - 2 Kings 13).
Key Event: Isaiah’s prophetic ministry calls for repentance and warns of impending judgment.
Prominent Characters:
Elijah: Prophet known for confronting Ahab and the prophets of Baal.
Elisha: Successor to Elijah, performs many miracles. -
721 BCE
Fall of the Northern Kingdom (Israel)
Key Event: Israel falls to Assyria. (2 Kings 17).
Prominent Characters:
Hosea: Last king of Israel; prophesied during this time. -
586 BCE
Judah’s Decline and Prophecies of Judgment
Key Event: Judah faces an invasion and is eventually taken captive by Babylon. (2 Kings 25).
Prominent Characters:
Isaiah: Prophesies during the reign of several kings, calling for faithfulness to God and foretelling judgment and restoration. Exile-Return -
586 BCE
The poet laments the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile, expressing sorrow and asking for God’s mercy.
Lamentations -
586 BCE
Fall of Jerusalem and exile to Babylon (2 Kings 25, Lamentations)
Lamentations (586 BCE)
Key Figures: Ezekiel, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Zerubbabel. -
Period: 586 BCE to 450 BCE
Exile-Return (Exile in Babylon to the Return and Reconstruction)
The Babylonian Exile, the return of the Jews to Jerusalem, rebuilding the temple, and the prophetic writings concerning the restoration.
Lamentations (586 BCE)
Ezekiel (590–570 BCE)
Daniel (605–530 BCE)
Ezra (450 BCE)
Nehemiah (445 BCE)
Haggai (520 BCE)
Zechariah (520–480 BCE)
Malachi (450 BCE) -
580 BCE
God’s Glory Departs from the Temple
(Ezekiel 10) -
570 BCE
The Valley of Dry Bones Vision
(Ezekiel 37) -
530 BCE
Daniel in the Babylonian court (Daniel 1–6)
Daniel (605–530 BCE)
Key Figures: Ezekiel, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Zerubbabel. -
530 BCE
Daniel in the Lion’s Den
(Daniel 6) -
520 BCE
Prophecies of restoration (Haggai, Zechariah)
Haggai (520 BCE)
Zechariah (520–480 BCE)
Key Figures: Ezekiel, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Zerubbabel. -
450 BCE
Rebuilding of the temple (Ezra 3-6)
Ezra (450 BCE)
Key Figures: Ezekiel, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Zerubbabel. -
450 BCE
Return under Zerubbabel (Ezra 1-6)
Ezra (450 BCE)
Key Figures: Ezekiel, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Zerubbabel. -
445 BCE
Nehemiah’s reforms and rebuilding the walls (Nehemiah 1-7)
Nehemiah (445 BCE)
Key Figures: Ezekiel, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Zerubbabel. -
445 BCE
Nehemiah’s Leadership and Rebuilding of the Walls
(Nehemiah 1-7) -
440 BCE
Malachi’s prophecy of the coming Messiah (Malachi)
Malachi (440 BCE)
Key Figures: Ezekiel, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Zerubbabel.