One Week - Klaus Riegel

  • Ben was diagnosed with terminal cancer

    Klaus Riegel's theory suggests that development in adulthood occurs not in predictable stages, but as individuals adjust in response to the interaction of both internal and external changes. When Ben found out he had a week to live, he made massive life choices which would be due to an external change.
  • Ben bought a motorcycle

    Ben buying a motorcycle was an impulsive decision influenced by his terminal diagnosis. Klaus Riegel believes that people adjust in response to internal and external changes. Ben never would have thought of buying that bike unless he hadn't been diagnosed, because it made him see the world in a different way and he didn't want to miss any opportunities he had.
  • Period: to

    One Week

  • Ben cheats on his wife

    Ben cheating on his wife was another decision based on an external change. Once he found out he had a week left to live he decided he didn't want to get married anymore and went on a trip and cheated on his wife. It's also likely that ben didn't really care about the consequences because he was going to die soon.
  • Samantha flies to Banff to see Ben and he tells her he doesn't love her

    When ben gets diagnosed, his entire way of living changes and he starts wanting to make the most out of life. He wasn't happy in his relationship before and because he only had a week left to live he didn't want to be stuck in a commitment he didn't want to be part of.
  • Ben makes it to the pacific ocean

    Many internal and external changes happened throughout Bens last week. He had a very long journey with many challenges before he ended up at his destination. He got in a motorcycle crash, his motorcycle broke down, his motorcycle got totalled, he got lost in a forest and cheated on his wife, he had to end things with his wife after she flew out to see him, etc. As well as the entire movie his family was trying to contact him and telling him to come home, which he doesn't do until he's ready to.