Oliver Harper 6m

  • Jan 1, 1160

    Robin Hood

    Robin Hood
    Robin Hood was a thief but for a good cause. He was steeling from the rich and giving it to the poor.Robin hood is unknown to be a real person or not but pepole say he was because there is a grave.
  • Apr 24, 1570

    Guy fawkes

    Guy fawkes
    Guy Faweks tried to blow up the houses of pallerment with a lot of gun powder but luckily got caught at the last munit.
  • Apr 26, 1574

    William Shakespeare was born

    William Shakespeare was born
    William Shakespere was an englesh poet and he had world wide aclaim.William Shakespeare who was a play writter was the son of Jhon Shakespeare.
  • Edwood Jenner

    Edwood Jenner
    Edwood Jenner's discovery in 1796 that inoculation with cowpox gave immunity to smallpox, was an immense medical breakthrough and has saved countless lives.